Thursday 18 December 2008

Excellent exhibition!

How can an angel cause so much mayhem?

Hey ho, lucky me, I managed to get 4 1/2 hours sleep last night! Baby Bear woke up around the usual 12 -12.30am and the colic kicked in, and it was a lot better than the night before, as it "only" lasted until 4am (as opposed to 7am the night before). I dont know if it's just me being naive, but I am thinking that his condition is getting slightly better? Are the new drops really are working? Or was it just a one off? Only time will tell...

The Body World exhibition today was incredible - I was mostly fascinated by the preserved embryos, which started from a foetus of one week old right up to the baby at birth. By week 6, you could really see it was a baby and the fingers and toes were showing and I was getting quite emotional..especially as it is only a few weeks since my little baby boy arrived . Anyway, fascinating, well worth a visit and is was great to be out and about. I planned to post some pics, but unfortunately photos and video fimling was prohibited.

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