Wednesday 17 December 2008

x-mas tree and preserve human bodies

Transporting the x-mas tree using the very handy pram

what it looks like all dressed with pressies underneath

Today was the finest winter's day in London. Unfortunately for us, last night we tried to comfort Baby Bear from midnight until 7am(!), and tried to get him to sleep. Luckily for Bear he didn't have a client meeting until 12pm today , but it was still so very stressful. I'm finding it so difficult to cope when baby Bear cries, uncontrollably, and even more so because I'm helpless. The only thing that's comforting is that colic doesn't last forever even though 3 months seems like a life time....

We finally found a Christmas tree (at our local petrol station - charming, eh?) and have now dressed it. I really cant wait to have our first proper family Christmas with our son here.

Tomorrow Mum, brother Erik and I are going to The Body Worlds London exhibition, where anatomist Dr Gunther von Hagens, have used his world renowned technique of plastination to preserve human and animal bodies.

The exhibits on show have been created by taking thin slices, sections of the body and organs, and coating them with an air tight seal of plastic that preserves them perfectly for scientific scrutiny. Hopefully I will be able to take some pics there so I can post some here later. Night night.

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