Wednesday 31 December 2008


Hi everyone! Only a few hours left of this year so I thought to wish you all a Happy New Year.

Baby Bear is on his 13th day of not pooing but we took him to the doctor yesterday and were given laxative which we have given him, so hopefully he will open his bowels very soon. Today we have been to a really fab Funfair in Hyde Park. Not that he will ever remember any of it, but me and papa Bear had lots of fun. Pics to be posted later.

Well, I'd like to thank you for all the wonderful comments and the emails that I have enjoyed this year - it has been such a pleasure to read them and to get to know you, even just a little bit. Your blogs have made me think, definitely made me laugh and often made me shed tears- so for that I want to say a million times, thank you.

Have a peaceful, fun filled holiday with much joy and laughter and may all your New Year wishes come true.
See you next year. PUSS PUSS

Baby Bear on New Years Eve dressed up in his Ralph Lauren gear

1 comment:

  1. Daddy Alan. isn't he a good model? He is a beautíful child, boy. The most beautiful boy I have ever seen
