Sunday 28 December 2008

Mum and Colic

My Mum, when highly pregnant with my brother Erik

Last night was a bad one. Sean’s colic is getting worse and it goes on for hours and hours and there is nothing we can do.

It’s horrible to look at his when his cramps are kicking in and his whole face turns read and he is tossing and turning and screaming out the pain. He pulls his feet up under his body and clenches his fist and produce a lot of wind.

I have hardly slept in 4 days, still breast feeding every three hours or so, sometimes more despite it draining me. Thankfully unlike some other mothers to infants, I have no stitches holding my privates together!

I now know that women with kids…they are “superwomen”. I have an unbelievable amount of respect for mothers now more than ever….and for the single mommies….Seriously……you guys are superheroes.

And speaking of mothers. This morning was the first in 6(!) weeks that I wake up without having my Mum around. She has now gone back to Sweden and to be honest, some might have thought it’d be a relief for me after all this time, but the truth is that I really miss having her around already.

I have a new found respect for her, especially now that we both are Mommies and can relate more to one another. I don't know how I would have coped these last few weeks without her. She has been through a tough few years and her battle is still not won, but I want her to know that her beloved grandson and I will be here for her every step of the way, cause we love her.

Without her vast knowledge, many valuable lessons these last six weeks and most importantly her unconditional love I would not be half as strong as I am today and would have most likely been diagnosed with post natal depression.

Thanx Mum I love you. xxx


  1. Thank you for having me and being there for you and your family was all my pleasure. I love you all.

  2. Hei
    Min sønn hadde også Kolikk og vi fikk en del råd og tips som hjalp. Har du prøvd og kutte ut melk og mel produkter fra kostholdet ditt? Det kan hjelpe og kutte ut dette. Samt ikke spise sterk mat, brus (kullsyre) broccoli, løk, erter osv kan føre til magesmerter hos din lille. Kirkopraktor eller aktupunktur kan også hjelper.

    Lykke til, vet det er forferdelig.

  3. Dear Catharina,

    Having a colicky baby is one of the toughest experiences of being a parent. But luckily there is a simple approach that has helped calm countless fussy babies.

    Dr. Harvey Karp, America's most read pediatrician, discovered that all babies are born with a "calming reflex" which is a virtual off-switch for crying (and
    on-switch for sleep) for babies. In his award winning DVD and book, "The Happiest Baby on the Block," Dr. Karp teaches simple techniques that can calm most colicky babies in minutes or less, and add 1-3 hours to their nighttime sleep! This common sense approach has been applauded by millions of parents, pediatricians, and health professionals.

    Dr. Karp strongly recommends that you watch his DVD and combine the snug swaddling he teaches with our special white noise CD during Sean’s fussy periods, naps and throughout the night. Our "Super-Soothing" Sleep Sounds CD has specially engineered sounds that are highly effective for calming the 'fussies' and instantly boosting sleep. Parents love this CD because they have total control over the volume, can use it in the car and even on trips. It works until at least the first birthday.

    I hope this helps! All items are available through

    We strongly recommend you speak to your pediatrician before following any of the above recommendations.

    All best wishes,

