Monday 1 December 2008

Pram Premiere

Opposite Selfridges in central London

Proud mum
Our first lunch in a pram friendly restaurant

First and foremost; I would like to say a huge thank you for all the wonderful messages I have received here on the blog. It's great to know so many people have followed my pregnancy journey and have taken such a close interest .

I'm sorry that I haven't been blogging but it will take some time until I've got in to a routine here at home with baby Bear. I'm hardly sleeping at the moment but so far, I don't mind at all. After I've slept, and wake up, I'm in such a good mood and think "I know there is something I should be happy about", and then remember Sean, and rush to see him.

It is odd how you can watch a face for hours on end without growing tired. When Baby Bear is sleeping, that’s what I catch myself doing time and time again. Bear and I created this little person - and it is so unbelievable, in every sense of the word.

Today was the "pram premiere", and Bear and I walked down to town for lunch at St Christophers Place. We probably looked ridiculous because we had this huge big smile on our faces, and I just felt like shouting to everyone; "look here, I'm a parent now, this is my baby, we made him, and he is wonderful".

My angel


  1. Again Congrats!

    Nice to see you back and i hope all of you are in a good condition! But it looks like you are:)



  2. Congratulations. He is absolutely gorgeous. These early days are so special. we can't wait to see you all.
