Tuesday 2 December 2008


I am lying in my very comfy bed, so incredibly tired, and all wrapped up in my arms is the most beautiful thing I have every laid eyes on.

I keep looking at him, stroking his lovely little face, just to make sure he is real and not some vivid dream.
I love him so much it hurts, I have only had him for 5 days but if I even so much as start to think about my life without him I want to start crying.
For as long as I live, my soul purpose in life is to keep this amazing human being safe and happy, any way I can.
Every book you read, everyone you speak to before you have your baby, goes on and on about how you will be hit with this overwhelming feeling of love for you child, but until it is actually your time you can't even begin to imagine what they mean. You are instantly transformed into this fearsomely protective Mummy, it truly is overwhelming and it grows.

Every day since Sean was born I find myself loving him more and more I think I might burst with pride just from looking at him.

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