Monday 26 January 2009

Anniversary and InStyle

After one too many glasses of Champagne on Saturday night, when we had a lovely time - but it was just as lovely to come back home to Sean!

Bear and birthday girl Ama

Bear and I celebrated our two year anniversary on Saturday. We went to China Tang, which is a fantastic restaurant in the Dorchester Hotel on Park Lane. Afterwards we went to Kumo, which is a stylish Japanese-inspired cocktail bar and restaurant in Knightsbridge where my friend Ama had a birthday party. We left to be home at 12.30am to relieve my brother Erik and his boyfriend who had been baby sitting. It was lovely to be out and about in town like we used to before, but also by the time it was midnight I really started to miss Baby Bear, and once back, I knew that I don't want to stay away from him any longer than that!

Now I am going to make myself a cup of Chai tea and sit down and read the latest issue of InStyle. It is the March 09 issue and I received it in the post today. It is my favourite mag and it's the first out of a whole 24(!) issues that I will get, as it's a 2 year subscription Bear got me for Christmas. Great tip for any man out there who is stuck finding his girlfriend a pressie!

Baby Bear with the latest issue of InStyle


  1. congrats on your anniversary. looks like you had a lovely time.

    sorry im so late replying back! thanks for stopping by my place and commenting :)

  2. Grattis fröken!

    Och hoppas ni hittar en Bra Holiday Trip åt er:):


