Tuesday 27 January 2009

Baby Vaccination

Good morning! Baby Bear woke at 7am today, and that's after being fed and put to sleep at 11pm last nigh - i.e. he slept 8 hours uninterrupted, like an adult! I'm really feeling so blessed. He is such a wonderful boy. Wonder how long this will last though....

Today I am taking him for his first set of vaccinations, and I tell you, it's nerve racking!! Two injections are given, usually at the top part of the outer side of each leg.

First set of injection is to prevent pneumococcal pneumonia, a particularly severe chest infection. (The bacteria causing this infection can also cause meningitis, septicaemia and ear infections) and the second injection is a mixture of vaccines to protect against polio, diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis), tetanus and haemophilus influenzae (HIB). The first five are serious illnesses and can be fatal. HIB causes meningitis.

From what I heard it's obviously very uncomfortable for the baby and they scream and cry. No doubt will I too be crying!!

Later, if Baby Bear feels up to it, I am going to a Swedish baby/mother group in the Swedish Church here in Marylebone with my friend Susanna and her boy Alfie.

I will now have a long hooooot bath with him and then watch Lipstick Jungle which I recorded last night. So long!

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you are keeping your child safe by vaccinating :)

    The World Health Organization has a vaccination campaign with more information on keeping children safe: http://www.euro.who.int/eiw2009

    With a cute video :)
