Thursday 29 January 2009

Spring Vacation - Skiing or Sunbathing?

Bear and I are currently talking about our next holiday sometime in March, and where to go. So far we struggle to choose between the Carlisle Bay in Antigua in the Caribbean or Aspen (or one of the other world class ski resorts there) in Colorado. Should we opt for Colorado, we will then also go and stay with my very good Swedish girlfriend Boel, her American husband and their 1 year old daughter in Boulder, which to me is very appealing as I'm dying to see them.

And with my post pregnancy stomach, I’m not sure I want to go anywhere near a beach right now anyway...

Hmmm... Someone please tell me that my belly will go away someday! My linea nigra (the brown line you get whilst pregnant, from your bellybutton and down) has almost faded away, and I have made peace with my much wider behind, but the expansion of my waistline???? Oh no!!

I understand that sit-ups are required to tone up my abs and I take responsibility for not doing them... But, will I ever wear a bikini again or will I forever be stuck in a one-piece Mum suits? Please say no!!!

Sean was due another injection this morning, this time for tuberculous. I really didn't want to go because it was so painful to see him cry last time (plus I was meeting Ama anyway), so Bear kindly offered to take him.

So I treated Ama for lunch earlier , as a belated birthday present, and we went to a favourite with me and the locals here, called Ishtar.

Baby Bear had to come too of course, and was comfy laying on the sofa once I'd taken him out of the sling

The "problem" with Turkish restaurants is that you get so many starters (dips) incl newly baked bread, so by the time our main course arrived, we were already full.

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