Friday 30 January 2009

Finally Friday! :-)

Selfridges is currently covered in scaffolding

New Bond Street offers very exclusive shopping in London such as DKNY (as above)
The sale is still going on in certain shops here

Dolce Gabbana's current window

My shopping today included two white shirts, one plain fitted, one with frills and a pink v-neck
slip-over and matching pink cuff links (below)

Hey ho, it's Friday! And I can't wait for Bear to come home. This weekend we have made no plans whatsoever. We just decided that this weekend is meant for the three of us only, to spend real quality time together. The weather in London is gorgeous at the moment, around 7 degrees, cold but sunny.

I went to New Bond Street earlier, (where I also took a couple of pics, see above) to look for a present for Bear who's birthday is on 9 February. Unfortunately I didn't find anything for him, but ended up buying some stuff for myself -tough, I know ;-)

I found a white shirt with frills on the front and at the bottom of the sleeves, a pink-ish v-neck slip-over and matching pink cuff links as well as a plain white fitted shirt.

Other than that, I am feeling great - I am really enjoying motherhood and feel so blessed to have such a wonderful son like Sean. Everyday with him is a blessing and I miss him when I'm not with him. Now I'm gonna make myself a cup of tea and take it and Sean with me to bed to enjoy some cosy time in front of the TV before Bear comes home. Have a wonderful weekend XOXO

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