Wednesday 14 January 2009

Doctor's update

Carrying Sean in the Baby Bjorn sling this morning, on our way to the see the doctor.

I've just got back from the doctor. It was the six week check up for Sean (I had mine on Monday).

They measured him for the first time since birth when he was 51 cm, and today he was 59(!)cm and he weighed 4.7kg (he was 3.2kg at birth). He is growing really fast and sometimes I wish I could pause it for a while, and have him as that tiny little baby he was 6 weeks ago, for just a little bit longer...

On Friday I'm taking him to check his hearing, but he no doubt has got excellent hearing, cause he is already smiling when I play Elvis to him! :-)

Baby Bear is now 59cm long and weighs 4.7kg

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