Tuesday 13 January 2009

Love being a Mum

I have just spent the last couple of hours in bed with my wonderful son, Baby Bear. We had a nap, where he slept on my chest, and when I woke up I didnt’ want to move in case I wake him up, cause there is no bigger joy than having him so close, skin to skin, on my chest.

I did lot of thinking and came to the conclusion that no amount of research before you baby arrives really prepares you for just how much of an individual they are! What might work for one baby does not always work for the other, so everything is trial and error (there will be may, may errors until you hit the jackpot!).

One of the lows was last week when I decided to introduce the bottle. Even though it’s only for night times, and I will carry on breastfeeding during the days, I was racked with guilt and sadness.

But I must mention my darling boyfriend Bear - who by the way is a devoted fan of my blog AND me so “hello darling” – here’s a PUSS (kiss) in case I forgot to give you a real good one this morning X! - he was very supportive of me, especially during those agonizing 3am feeds, when Baby Bear suffered real bad stomach cramps, and by the time I fed him and rocked him to sleep, three hours had already passed and it was time for the next feed. Well, it has turned out really well since I’ve started giving him formula.

An example is last night when we went to bed at 11.30pm. I fed him with 150 ml bottle and then put him in his moses basket next to our bed. He then slept until 5.30am. And guess what; now I’m worrying why he is sleeping so much! It’s hard being a mother and worrying for the slightest thing.

But before I was a Mum – for example; I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby and I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child could make me feel so important and happy. I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mum. I just didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mum. So all in all, it’s a wonderful thing and I wouldn’t chang it for the world!

Today I will begin to dismantle the X-mas decorations. I know Christmas is well and truly over, but I just love our tree and the small but many lights in it that lights up so nicely in the evenings. I am also taking Baby Bear to the Health Centre to weigh him. I’ m very curious as to how much he has put on since it was nearly three weeks since last time I took him there.

Happy Tuesday! Puss Puss

1 comment:

  1. Underbart med någon som är nöjd!
    Så sällsynt!!

    Njut-din bästa tid är nu!
