Sunday 18 January 2009

Today's Right Now

Mood: good but have back pain from carrying Baby Bear in the sling for too long on Friday

Have done: been up between 5.30-7.30am where I fed Baby Bear, had a cup of tea, read emails etc. Went back to bed and got up 9am.

Plans: Meeting my friend Cecilia, who is visiting from Stockholm, this afternoon. Cant wait to show her Baby Bear

Watching: Blue sky and with white clouds

Listening to: someone’s car alarm that went off outside just now

Reading: News of the World and all the latest gossip

Eating: no added sugar muesli, unsweetened soya milk with linseed, pumpkin and sunflower seeds sprinkled all over

Drinking: Earl Grey tea with a little skimmed milk

Best: Baby Bear woke up only once (5.30am) between 11.30pm-9am

Worst: That the weekend is coming to an end r

Weather: Bright but chilly (5 degrees) – will supposedly rain later

Baby Bear: dozing next to Bear on our sofa, still dressed in his PJ and wrapped in a thick cosy blanket

1 comment:

  1. Sv: Ja lite bilder gör en hel del för en blogg. Men jag tycker det ska vara lagom. Det var ingen besserwisser-mening med frågan om trio... Det var inte meningen att det skulle uppfattas så. Jag var mest nyfiken för jag har aldrig hört ordet förut. Ursäkta för det.
