Monday 19 January 2009

Most depressing day....

Good morning! I have just spent the last half an hour trying to change our bed linen with one hand and holding Baby Bear with the other as he refuse to be put down.

You see, when I lifted my son from our bed this morning to go and change his nappy, I found that he had pooed in our bed! The nappy had somehow slided and the poo had gone through to our bed - Charming, eh? :-)

According to BBC news and other online news sites, in fact, it's being talked about on every news channel; today - January 19, 2009 - is apparently the most depressing day in HISTORY, say experts!!!!!

Monday is regarded as the worst day of the week anyway, and with cold weather, fading Christmas memories, Christmas credit card bills and broken New Year's resolutions. Fears over job security, increasing debt and the house price collapse is supposedly making this year the toughest yet.

I refuse to let the above get me down, and therefore, I thought I'll post this hilarious clip to bring a little laughter to you all, on this depressing day!

Happy Monday


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