Tuesday 20 January 2009

Toothless grins :-)

Me on Saturday; walking to Regents Park where we met up with friends Gary, Sue and their two children

I've been back to the Osteopathic Centre for Children today. It really went well, and once again he made Mummy proud, just laying there still and quiet. I must say, once his colic disappeared, he has been such a good baby. Much more than I ever could have wished for..

But best of all right now, is that he smiles at me!!! Well he has done it before, when he farted - that made him break out into a smile, but that was purely facial muscle reaction. It's not what we call a "social smile"..

So..after weeks and weeks of caring for a being that seemed only interested in my milk supply and clean nappies and clothing, I am now being rewarded with huge toothless grins! I would talk to him when changing his nappy, and for example say: "Good morning, Baby Bear! Hello my little boy! How's Mummy's little precious?" And lately, to my delight and amazement, he most of the time beams right back at me, smiles, and gurgles back a happy "Ah goo"

Gosh, it makes all those sleepless nights and being poo-ed on sessions so worth it. And I now enjoy these lovely meaningful conversations and tickle sessions every day! Ha ha!

Baby Bear in his new dark blue velour track suit, on the new soft dog blanket (top) we got from Gary and Sue on Saturday

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