Friday 6 February 2009

Fab find

If money was no object..

After seeing these photos of Nicole Richie, in my InStyle magazine that I subscribe to, with her fabulous Louis Vuitton jewelry box, I thought to do some research. I found this gorgeous vintage case trunk on Go Antiques and I really want it!!! Note: I’m taking donations :-) These days though, most money I spend is on Baby Bear (see my latest purchases below).

We now have a long weekend ahead of us. Yay!! :-) Reason being is because it's Bear's birthday on Monday and he is taking the day off :-)

Baby Bear is very grouchy at the moment, and is not sleeping well. It sounds as if he has got a lot o phlegm in his throat and a blocked nose, but there is not much you can do with a baby who's got a cold except for just allowing it to take it's course.

I'm now gonna get my act together and take Sean out for a nice long walk. I'm dying to get out in the cold crisp air. Hope you all have a fab Friday. Ciao!

I really enjoy shopping for Baby Bear, even more so than for myself these days!

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