Saturday 7 February 2009

My pride and joy

Baby Bear earlier today - my pride and joy...

Sean has gone from a baby who could only eat, sleep and poo to a very cheerful little boy and I'm beginning to get glimpses into his personality. One thing for sure is that a mirror delights him.
He stares and grins at the baby in the mirror, not realising it's really his own reflection. He's still quite uncoordinated and accidentally bashes himself the forehead or in the eye with a fist, although he is certainly mastering the art of grabbing Mummy's hair – ouch!

And he knows who Mummy is! :-) At various occasions he has been constantly carried by adults he didn't recognise, but if he heard my voice, he would turn his head towards me, and he also responds to my funny faces with his big grins. My baby boy is everything and more I could ever dream of. I feel so privileged to be his mother!

This morning the three of us had a lie-in, then we went for lunch at WagaMama, which is a chain of pan-asian inspired noodle restaurants. Bear is now watching Rugby when I'm blogging, and this evening we are watching a new award nominated movie called The Slumdog Millionaire. Back tomorrow XOXO

1 comment:

  1. Oh, har han redan lärt sig speglarnas betydelse. Jag tror mamma har påverkat honom hehe
