Monday 16 February 2009

Loving motherhood

Baby Bear in Burberry this morning

And so another week ahead of us.. This week it's half term break in schools around the country, but also a break for the mother/toddler playgroups. Instead some of the mothers, including I, will meet up in a local pram friendly cafe for baby chat, exchange of tips and just admirer each other's babies. I will also take baby Bear to the health centre and have him weighed.

As promised, I'm posting these pics especially for you, Annelie, (who bought Sean the Burberry body). Doesn't he look gorgeous? He is currently only 2 1/2 months but I am buying clothes sizes 3-6 months(!). He is growing, and we are talking very fast!

It’s already impossible for us to imagine a time before he were part of the family. This is partly due in part to his very easygoing personality: he just seem to be an expert at effortlessly belonging.

He accommodates any odd family plan without a fuss. Shopping around town for hours on end, with the pram - he sleeps. Dinner time? He is content to sit and watch a cartoon on Tele (not sure how much he gets or even sees, most likely just taking in the sounds and the colours) . Lunching or having dinner in a restaurant - he sleeps laying down on a sofa seat between Bear and I (as he is too small for a baby chair and also can't sit up straight). So basically without too much trouble, we take him along pretty much wherever we go.

Notable among his many fine features is also a complete willingness to fall asleep, especially in unusual circumstances. If we’ve taken him to a party or are out walking on Oxford Street, with a huge orchestra marching past, he sleeps. Even at home, when playing fairly loud music or turn on the vacuum cleaner for a good half an hours hoovering, he sleeps. No wonder I'm loving motherhood, right?! PUSS

1 comment:

  1. Valdigt bra blogg - kul att folja med i din vardag. Supersot kid :-)
