Tuesday 17 February 2009

Tagged and featured

I would like to say a big THANKS to Stina for featuring me on her blog! She is another London blogger (but unfortunately for you English speaking readers, her blog is in Swedish) Go visit http://www.stinailondon.com/ for really great uplifting posts. She actually reminds me of myself and how I was 10 years ago :-)

Another thing is that I have been tagged by Sophie, where she challenges me to come up with seven facts about myself.

But just as she explains, it's really quite difficult to think of things to write, and also, because I've already done two similar posts before, I'm linking to them here, instead of re-writing them. Sorry Sophie, hope that's ok, but all the better I suppose because one post includes ten facts about me, and the other includes five facts - That's a total of 15(!) - i.e. eight bonus ones, haha

On our way to have Sean weighed this morning

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaw, sweet! Hoppas ni har en toppendag :)
