Monday 14 December 2009

random notes and ramblings

Its Monday again, which bites - but on the bright side, I'm one day closer to our weekend in Paris, and Christmas of course (hooray!)

My weekend - the very short version: Mum cooked two fab dinners for us, we wrapped some x-mas presents, had Swedish mulled wine in typical Swedish style with nuts and raisins, went to local market early Saturday morning for cheap fruit and vegs, had brunch in Starbucks and ginger bread lattes, and Mum and I ended the weekend last night going to a warm cosy pub nearby, where we enjoyed a long girly chat. We stumbled home safely , and joined Bear on the sofa watching the end of X-factor final.

This morning started at 5.50am when Sean woke up and decided not to go back to sleep, and bugged me for his milk bottle.
I've emptied the dish washer, put a load of washing in the washing machine, had breakfast and we are now, all 4 of us (Bear, Mum and Sean too), hanging out in our living room. Once Bear leaves for work, we will get a cab(!) to IKEA (we have just sold our two seater Carrera 4s cabriolet in anticipation of finding a proper family car such as a Range Rover) for shopping various stuff, having lunch at their restaurant, and of course a visit to their Swedish food shop!


  1. Hej Catharina! Jag googlade på Tiger Woods och hamnade hos dej. Märkligt. Micke heter jag, jag vikarierade i din familj under ett par år. Också mycket märkligt. Vad hände? Var det där jag? Håhåjaja.
    Ville bara säga hej.

  2. Hej, Micke!

    Vad kul att du hittade hit, men nu blir jag ju jatte nyfiken! Beratta mer!!! :-)
