Sunday 13 December 2009

Lucia & Third Sunday of Advent

And so the third candle should be lit today! Only one more Advent Sunday of the very Lutheran (and therefore also Swedish) tradition before Christmas Eve :-)

Another popular tradition today is Lucia, which will be celebrated amongst Swedes all over the country.

Have a beautiful day!


  1. Its the third advent today Catharina....or have I got them mixed up:)? Off for Swedish julbord today at fab resturant Embassy. Hope you all have a lovely weekend

  2. C; yes, very true, I got it all mixed up. Thank you, have now corrected it.
    Eeek, that really means xmas is just around the corner!!!

    My bro told me bout the Embassy
    X-mas buffet. Should be great. Enjoy! x

  3. Vilken vacker bild!

    Jag har forsokt att forklara bade Lucia och advent for min pojkvan, men det har inte funkat sa bra. Dessutom har jag letat mig bla efter en adventsljustake att stoppa fyra ljus i, i hela vida London, men inte hittat ngn alls :(

  4. Tack, Veronica! haha, i know. Forsoka forklara alla vara seder och traditioner till en icke svensk, ar inte latt. Min karl kan kallar mig/oss svenskar "pagans"!

    Ang ljus stake, hittar du ingen pa svenska affaren pa Crawford st har i Marylebone, eller mojligtvis pa IKEA?

    Kram, och glad lucia!
