Thursday 31 October 2013

Throwback Thursday

My maternal instincts properly kicked  in this morning (been up since 5am *yawn*!), as I was going through some adorable pics of Sean as a baby.

Awwwww, I so crave chubby cheeks to smooch and the smell of a newborn's head - I need me a baby in my life NOW ;-)



  1. Such gorgeous photos. I thought for a moment you had had the baby. Think our bodies make us just want to have the baby I think it is the way we prepare our mind and body for the birth. Have a lively weekend.

  2. Inge: Thank you!
    Ha, you're not the only one, my good friend who lives back in Sweden also said she had a moment of shock when she first saw my blog with the baby pictures LOL!

    Yup you're so right, the body is indeed preparing in every way possible, mentally and physically. Not long to go now yay! Trust you're well,
    Warm rgds
