Saturday 2 November 2013


I'm now three quarters of the way through the pregnancy, I can't believe how close it's getting! According to my pregnancy app, my baby girl is actually fully baked on the 21st December, even though the due date is not until 11 January.  

Symptom wise, the exhaustion I experienced in the first trimester has returned in full force, so I've re-welcomed a daily nap into my routine.

Also I'm suffering A LOT of pelvic pain.  Getting up from a sitting position makes my eyes water!

Yeah I know, pregnancy is a wonderful thing, and I'm grateful don't get me wrong. Just the thought of having a little bean growing in your stomach, is just incredible! And touching your tummy, talking to your unborn baby is very special and most likely you feel absolutely fab... for about eh... four months! 

Apart from the unbelievable highs, you also have to put up with the emotional hormonal  side, and let's not forget all the physical changes your body goes through...

I am lucky enough to not have any stretch marks, but Holy Moly I am turning blue! My veins, mainly on my right thigh, looks like they're about to explode! Hopefully they will go after giving birth.  My feet also puffs up in the evening and stays like that until first couple of hours in the morning. 

Ok, enough ranting, for now anyway - I feel all I do is complain, but I can't get over the fact how different the pregnancy is this time around. One thing that cheers me up though, is buying clothes for my baba, and here is my latest purchase: 

Cable knit turtle neck dress from Gap - perfect for a Winter baby


  1. Hej,

    trillade in här via Stina Auer. Härlig blogg du har!
    roligt med mycket bilder och att få se mer av London.
    Du har en stil jag verkligen gillar. har sen tidigare beställt klipptid för en page nästa vecka och tar nog med en bild på dig dit. Fantastisk snygg och elegant frisyr du har. Blir också påmind om att familjen och kärleken är det viktigaste. Tack för en härlig blandning!

  2. Josefin; vilken trevlig och uppfriskande kommentar - TACK snalla du -sa glad jag blev :-) Nu ska jag bestamt titta in hos dig!

  3. Men gud så söt!
    Hon kommer vara helt bedårande i den.
    Hoppas allt är så bra det kan.
    Vi har inte långt kvar nu vännen, håll ut!
    Har precis gjort ett blogginlägg till dig och länkat hit. Hoppas ok!
    Kram kram fina du!

  4. Johanna; Nej, jag vet, det borjar narma sig - kan knappt barga mig :-)
    Vilken pingla du ar som gjort blogg inlagg som jag onskade - tack rara du!
