Thursday 13 February 2014

And so a month has passed...

 Dear Baby Girl,
Wow, you’re now a month old (seriously, I think I blinked and a month disappeared in a flash!!!), and we’ve already created so many wonderful memories with you! You’ve been.... 
....on a few early morning marathon shopping trips around Oxford Street
on numerous Starbucks visits
to drop off and collect your big brother from his school
to the Doctors' surgery to get you registered with a GP
on walks around the park in your pram
out to eat in restaurants several times
to Mummy's and Daddy's two favourite gastro pubs
running errands with your Mummy including to the Swedish Embassy to apply for a passport
to see a paediatrician at the Lindo Wing regarding the blood-filled bump on your head (from the ventouse)
had several visits from friends and family who wanted to meet you
on a red double decker bus
you've taken a London taxi in the Baby Bjorn sling to Westminster City Council's new office on Harrow Road to register your birth
you've even stayed in a hotel over night in Soho!
You've already outgrown your newborn-sized clothes, you love laying on Mummy's (or Daddy's for that matter!) chest, you still have those broken blood vessels on your left eyelid which I always have to kiss, you love staring at lights, you must do these adorable and cute stretches every time you wake up, you love your bath time, you are a good sleeper and wake up no more than twice a night (unlike your brother who woke two or three times as much, and you almost immediately stop crying when I pick you up!

What can I say... well... I'm still on cloud nine and I have no intention of coming off it anytime soon! I'm so happy...about everything..even the little things like finding tiny pink socks on the floor LOL! 

Scarlett Grace you are pretty much amazing... 
and to sum it up; you C.O.M.P.L.E.T.E. me!

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