Tuesday 11 February 2014

Whirlwind Weekend

Clockwise L to R:

Burger, Chips & Champagne; Posh pub lunch with my friend Anna & our babies (born only 10 days apart!)on Friday// All packed, in taxi heading for early check in at private club; "Groucho" (which also has 20 rooms for members only)//Saturday late leisurely lunch @ Dean Street Town House//  'Selfie' in our room's bathroom //Sean somehow managed to snap this one pic of us snuggled up in the hotel bed//The day after the night before; Bloody Mary @ Groucho Club//Soho Hotel conveniently located only minutes away from the Club//Adults having a cheeky drink as the kids are sleeping at Soho Hotel//Tick Tock it's cocktail o' clock!


  1. Underbart liv du verkar ha! Här är det stiltje just nu och ingenting kul händer. Fast det är väl lite upp till mig själv att ta tag i ;)
    Härliga bilder du bjuder på iaf.

  2. Tant Anna; tack :-) Vi bor ju sa centralt och med sa manga restauranger och annat on ones doorstep, sa det ar latt att hitta pa mkt :-)
    Hoppas du har haft en skon helg!
    Kram Kram
