Saturday 9 May 2015

Saturday morning

At 6.30am this morning, just as the sun was rising and everyone was still sleeping, I grabbed the opportunity to go for a run around the park, and simultaneously snapped these pictures on my phone - Regents Park is truly the most beautiful park in London and Im very grateful to have it on my door step!

As Bear is at the gym for an hour now, the kids and I are dancing to this new Shaggy tune which has a fab mixture of Arabic and Reggae vibes :-)

Later I'm going to the hair salon for a wash, treatment and blow dry.  Super excited to be going out with friends tonight for fine dining at Le Gavroche, a Michelin starred restaurant in Mayfair that I always wanted to go to, but just never got around to (during nearly 20 years in the capital!).  

Oh and check out my little Madam this morning; Miss Curly Twirl haha! 


  1. Lucky you! You have to write a review on your blog later ;-) I would love to go there.

    Have a lovely evening!

  2. Astridur; It's a fantastic restaurant. Having said that, it's very pricey and I would suggest to get the tasting menu instead of a la carte, as you get more for your money that way. But it was worth every penny, and I can highly recommend it! Requires booking weeks in advance though for dinner at a prime time.. x
