Friday 8 May 2015

Superficial L.O.V.E

Did I mention I'm utterly in love with my Love Bracelet in white gold, and feel so blessed to wear it on my wrist!
Cartier launched them as far back as 1969, and from what I gather they were designed to be given to one’s true love and then screwed on to their wrist, for all eternity I suppose :-)

The bracelet can be removed using a special mini screwdriver, but that has not been a problem to me, as I've only ever taken it off once, since getting it in March (and that was before having a spray tan LOL!).

I'm obviously planning on spreading the LOVE, haha, by passing it on to Scarlett Grace when she gets older!

Have a happy Friday and a fabulous weekend


  1. Åh, det där armbandet är så fint!
    Trevlig helg söta du!

  2. Hope: tackar odmjukast, och fortsatt trevlig helg till dig ocksa:-) Kramar!
