A very excited Little Madam this morning in our downstairs garage, as we were heading off to Holiday Academy in Primrose Hill |
1 - What am I currently doing: Planning our New York itinerary - only 15 more sleeps yay!
2 - My musical tastes range from: 60s to electro & house - Currently on repeat is this brand new
tune with Katy Perry feat Skip Marley (yes, Bob's grandson).
3 - Worst job I've ever done: Working in 'Factory Outlet' on Hounslow High Street in the changing rooms (during my first year in London 1996). I had to stand up from 9am-9pm and I still have nightmares about the pain in my feet!
4 - Last film that made me cry: The Good Dinosaur - there is a scene that tackles the death of a parent-subject (in this case Arlo's poppa). It was so sad it had both Sean and I in tears!
5 - Plan for Half Term? Kids are at the
Holiday Academy a couple of days ( this is the first time they can attend together, as the minimum age is 3), and Sean will also go and stay with Grandma in Amersham two nights.