Saturday, 19 October 2019

Let the half term begin!

We kicked off the half term in Selfridges yesterday evening with a visit to the braid bar, dinner at Yo Sushi and ice cream for dessert at Snow Flake. 

Carpet Diem

New and noteworthy carpet up in our sleeping loft

Despite me choosing a synthetic carpet (to avoid moths laying eggs in it as they are a huge problem in London and most people have 100% wool carpets pretty much everywhere!) - it’s still deep pile, high shine and super soft!  My feet just sinks in to it - It really adds a touch of luxury and I don’t know why I waited so many years to get it done!

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Flower power

 My cheap and cheerful £3 Tesco roses simply looks transformed after I've peeled back petals. A tip I picked up from a famous florist. You can thank me later ;-)

The Autumn that keeps on giving

Sunny Sunday stroll in Regents Park 

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Anniversary at Chiltern Firehouse and chef Ramsay's latest hotspot

A cocktail (at Lucky Cat) with catitude lol! The White Geisha was delish! 

Highlights from Monday night when we celebrated our wedding anniversary. Checked in at Chiltern Firehouse for the ultimate staycation, had dinner at Gordon Ramsays swanky new Mayfair restaurant, Lucky Cat, and hung out until the small hours back at the hotel's buzzing private bar before heading upstairs to our super cosy room.

Happy Anniversary darling Bear - 12 years together, 8 years married and still going strong- Here's to many more years of love and happiness together!

Compulsory Winter uniform

October means the Winter uniform comes on!

Lunch with mamma

Oh the opportunity for a lunch a vino opens up when my beautiful mamma is in town! 


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