Friday 30 January 2009

Finally Friday! :-)

Selfridges is currently covered in scaffolding

New Bond Street offers very exclusive shopping in London such as DKNY (as above)
The sale is still going on in certain shops here

Dolce Gabbana's current window

My shopping today included two white shirts, one plain fitted, one with frills and a pink v-neck
slip-over and matching pink cuff links (below)

Hey ho, it's Friday! And I can't wait for Bear to come home. This weekend we have made no plans whatsoever. We just decided that this weekend is meant for the three of us only, to spend real quality time together. The weather in London is gorgeous at the moment, around 7 degrees, cold but sunny.

I went to New Bond Street earlier, (where I also took a couple of pics, see above) to look for a present for Bear who's birthday is on 9 February. Unfortunately I didn't find anything for him, but ended up buying some stuff for myself -tough, I know ;-)

I found a white shirt with frills on the front and at the bottom of the sleeves, a pink-ish v-neck slip-over and matching pink cuff links as well as a plain white fitted shirt.

Other than that, I am feeling great - I am really enjoying motherhood and feel so blessed to have such a wonderful son like Sean. Everyday with him is a blessing and I miss him when I'm not with him. Now I'm gonna make myself a cup of tea and take it and Sean with me to bed to enjoy some cosy time in front of the TV before Bear comes home. Have a wonderful weekend XOXO

Thursday 29 January 2009

Spring Vacation - Skiing or Sunbathing?

Bear and I are currently talking about our next holiday sometime in March, and where to go. So far we struggle to choose between the Carlisle Bay in Antigua in the Caribbean or Aspen (or one of the other world class ski resorts there) in Colorado. Should we opt for Colorado, we will then also go and stay with my very good Swedish girlfriend Boel, her American husband and their 1 year old daughter in Boulder, which to me is very appealing as I'm dying to see them.

And with my post pregnancy stomach, I’m not sure I want to go anywhere near a beach right now anyway...

Hmmm... Someone please tell me that my belly will go away someday! My linea nigra (the brown line you get whilst pregnant, from your bellybutton and down) has almost faded away, and I have made peace with my much wider behind, but the expansion of my waistline???? Oh no!!

I understand that sit-ups are required to tone up my abs and I take responsibility for not doing them... But, will I ever wear a bikini again or will I forever be stuck in a one-piece Mum suits? Please say no!!!

Sean was due another injection this morning, this time for tuberculous. I really didn't want to go because it was so painful to see him cry last time (plus I was meeting Ama anyway), so Bear kindly offered to take him.

So I treated Ama for lunch earlier , as a belated birthday present, and we went to a favourite with me and the locals here, called Ishtar.

Baby Bear had to come too of course, and was comfy laying on the sofa once I'd taken him out of the sling

The "problem" with Turkish restaurants is that you get so many starters (dips) incl newly baked bread, so by the time our main course arrived, we were already full.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Shopping in London- Brown's new shoe store

I took Sean for his 8 week vaccinations yesterday -3 injections - Poor little Baby Bear! Luckily, he did not have any bad reactions to the shots. he just slept the rest of the day and didn't run a fever or become unusually fussy. It is so hard to watch your child in pain, even when you think it's for the best. I was a wreck, but Sean, he cried for like two seconds, then was fine. Haha, Mummy is a wuss! The nurse always jokes that it's harder on the parents than the babies, and I guess she is right!

Now over to something completely different. I'm very excited to post this pics of Brown’s new shoe store, which on Saturday opened its doors on Brook Street opposite Claridges, and is carrying its own line-up of exclusive designs by the likes of Balenciaga, Balmain, Chloe, Christian Louboutin, Dries Van Noten, Lanvin, Nicholas Kirkwood and Rupert Sanderson.

They have created what to me sounds like the ultimate shoe experience with repair services, bespoke shoes and upcoming “special events” and the downstairs mens’ floor comes complete with its own wireless laptop service.

This is all very anti-recession I know, but for those of you hanging on to your pennies, it's so worth while just window browsing.... :-)

Brown’s brand-spanking new shoe store on 59 Brook Street, London

Nearest tube: Bond Street

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Baby Vaccination

Good morning! Baby Bear woke at 7am today, and that's after being fed and put to sleep at 11pm last nigh - i.e. he slept 8 hours uninterrupted, like an adult! I'm really feeling so blessed. He is such a wonderful boy. Wonder how long this will last though....

Today I am taking him for his first set of vaccinations, and I tell you, it's nerve racking!! Two injections are given, usually at the top part of the outer side of each leg.

First set of injection is to prevent pneumococcal pneumonia, a particularly severe chest infection. (The bacteria causing this infection can also cause meningitis, septicaemia and ear infections) and the second injection is a mixture of vaccines to protect against polio, diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis), tetanus and haemophilus influenzae (HIB). The first five are serious illnesses and can be fatal. HIB causes meningitis.

From what I heard it's obviously very uncomfortable for the baby and they scream and cry. No doubt will I too be crying!!

Later, if Baby Bear feels up to it, I am going to a Swedish baby/mother group in the Swedish Church here in Marylebone with my friend Susanna and her boy Alfie.

I will now have a long hooooot bath with him and then watch Lipstick Jungle which I recorded last night. So long!

Monday 26 January 2009

Anniversary and InStyle

After one too many glasses of Champagne on Saturday night, when we had a lovely time - but it was just as lovely to come back home to Sean!

Bear and birthday girl Ama

Bear and I celebrated our two year anniversary on Saturday. We went to China Tang, which is a fantastic restaurant in the Dorchester Hotel on Park Lane. Afterwards we went to Kumo, which is a stylish Japanese-inspired cocktail bar and restaurant in Knightsbridge where my friend Ama had a birthday party. We left to be home at 12.30am to relieve my brother Erik and his boyfriend who had been baby sitting. It was lovely to be out and about in town like we used to before, but also by the time it was midnight I really started to miss Baby Bear, and once back, I knew that I don't want to stay away from him any longer than that!

Now I am going to make myself a cup of Chai tea and sit down and read the latest issue of InStyle. It is the March 09 issue and I received it in the post today. It is my favourite mag and it's the first out of a whole 24(!) issues that I will get, as it's a 2 year subscription Bear got me for Christmas. Great tip for any man out there who is stuck finding his girlfriend a pressie!

Baby Bear with the latest issue of InStyle

Friday 23 January 2009

Gifts for Baby Bear - updated

A feeding bottle from Dior arrived in the post today from friend who wishes to remain anonymous here on the blog - A big "Thank You" to you- you know who you are! :-)

Baby dishes and cutlary from Helen, napkin from Sussie - both by famous Swedish cartoon "Spöket Laban" (= Ghost Laban)-And a potty training book, also from Sussie

"What do you want? - Not another picture, I hope?!" A not happy (because of the bright camera flash) Baby Bear in a lovely cashmere cardigan (it also came with a cashmere blanket in the same pattern) which was a gift from Bear's sister Keri and husband

Thursday 22 January 2009

Gloomy London

New shoes for Sean from Mothercare

I've been to Mothercare in Marble Arch where I picked up these cute shoes for Baby Bear. The weather in London is really gloomy at the moment as you can see on the pictures I took on my way home.
Marble Arch is a white marble nument near Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park, at the western end of Oxford Street

Cumberland Place near Marble Arch which also happens to be Madonnas UK residence


The X-factor winner, Alexandra Burke, has now been in the top of the charts here in the UK for more than a month, with her version of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah".

I personally don't like it at all and have had my favourite version of the song for a number of years now, which is sung and played live(!) by four extremely talented Norweigan musicians.

Out of the four, I adore Kurt Nilsen. He is the one who sings last, with blonde hair and a huge gap between his teeth and whom you might recognise as the winner of "World Idol".

When/if Bear and I decide to get married one day, I have told him I would like to hire Kurt to sing on our big day - that's how much I like him! :-)

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Power Walk

Good day!

And what a good day it is! :-) Bear is working from home today and the three of us stayed in bed until 10am. We woke much earlier but just snuggled under the weight of our thick protective down duvet, with Baby Bear between us, and appreciated the moment. We then sat down together for a great breakfast/brunch and followed by a one hour "power walk" in Regents Park.

On our way there we saw Stephen Fry (who is known here in the UK for a man with a "brain the size of a planet" - i.e. he is extraordinarily intelligent) who was strolling along Marylebone. I read his blog every now and then, and watch his TV show 'QI'. He is a very fascinating man who also happens to be gay like my youngest brother.

Coming back from the walk, we stopped for a coffee at Starbucks on Baker Street where we sat outside people watching. London is full of characters, and you are bound to see something or someone that catches your eye!

Power walking in Regents Park earlier today

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Toothless grins :-)

Me on Saturday; walking to Regents Park where we met up with friends Gary, Sue and their two children

I've been back to the Osteopathic Centre for Children today. It really went well, and once again he made Mummy proud, just laying there still and quiet. I must say, once his colic disappeared, he has been such a good baby. Much more than I ever could have wished for..

But best of all right now, is that he smiles at me!!! Well he has done it before, when he farted - that made him break out into a smile, but that was purely facial muscle reaction. It's not what we call a "social smile"..

So..after weeks and weeks of caring for a being that seemed only interested in my milk supply and clean nappies and clothing, I am now being rewarded with huge toothless grins! I would talk to him when changing his nappy, and for example say: "Good morning, Baby Bear! Hello my little boy! How's Mummy's little precious?" And lately, to my delight and amazement, he most of the time beams right back at me, smiles, and gurgles back a happy "Ah goo"

Gosh, it makes all those sleepless nights and being poo-ed on sessions so worth it. And I now enjoy these lovely meaningful conversations and tickle sessions every day! Ha ha!

Baby Bear in his new dark blue velour track suit, on the new soft dog blanket (top) we got from Gary and Sue on Saturday

Monday 19 January 2009

Most depressing day....

Good morning! I have just spent the last half an hour trying to change our bed linen with one hand and holding Baby Bear with the other as he refuse to be put down.

You see, when I lifted my son from our bed this morning to go and change his nappy, I found that he had pooed in our bed! The nappy had somehow slided and the poo had gone through to our bed - Charming, eh? :-)

According to BBC news and other online news sites, in fact, it's being talked about on every news channel; today - January 19, 2009 - is apparently the most depressing day in HISTORY, say experts!!!!!

Monday is regarded as the worst day of the week anyway, and with cold weather, fading Christmas memories, Christmas credit card bills and broken New Year's resolutions. Fears over job security, increasing debt and the house price collapse is supposedly making this year the toughest yet.

I refuse to let the above get me down, and therefore, I thought I'll post this hilarious clip to bring a little laughter to you all, on this depressing day!

Happy Monday


Sunday 18 January 2009

Today's Right Now

Mood: good but have back pain from carrying Baby Bear in the sling for too long on Friday

Have done: been up between 5.30-7.30am where I fed Baby Bear, had a cup of tea, read emails etc. Went back to bed and got up 9am.

Plans: Meeting my friend Cecilia, who is visiting from Stockholm, this afternoon. Cant wait to show her Baby Bear

Watching: Blue sky and with white clouds

Listening to: someone’s car alarm that went off outside just now

Reading: News of the World and all the latest gossip

Eating: no added sugar muesli, unsweetened soya milk with linseed, pumpkin and sunflower seeds sprinkled all over

Drinking: Earl Grey tea with a little skimmed milk

Best: Baby Bear woke up only once (5.30am) between 11.30pm-9am

Worst: That the weekend is coming to an end r

Weather: Bright but chilly (5 degrees) – will supposedly rain later

Baby Bear: dozing next to Bear on our sofa, still dressed in his PJ and wrapped in a thick cosy blanket

Saturday 17 January 2009

Saturday stroll

We toot Baby Bear for a walk in the pram around Warwick Avenue (as made famous by Welsh singer Duffy) this afternoon

Hello! Hope you've had good Saturday so far. Me and my little family went out for a walk around Warwick Avenue and Maida Vale, where we stopped for a late lunch. These days we can't just go to any restaurant, because we need to find one with enough space for our pram..

Once back home, the three of us lounged on our big cosy sofa, had a cup of tea and watched the first episode of the new American Idol. We are big fans of the show, but only the early audition part which can be hilarious.

My friend Annelie, who visited from Oslo on Thursday, brought a beautiful present from Burberry for Sean. As soon as he is a little bigger, I will take a pic of him wearing it. But until then, here it is:

A body by Burberry from my friend to Sean. THANK YOU so much Annie!! Baby Bear really must be the best dressed boy in town ;-)

Friday 16 January 2009

Hearing test & Friday shopping

Baby Bear passed his hearing test today

I took Baby Bear for a hearing test this morning. It took less than five minutes, he was sleeping throughout, and he passed on both ears thank God!

The test was done at a clinic in Soho. I took a cab there but decided to walk back home and pop in to a few shops to look at the huge sale that is still on. Here is what I bought:

For Baby Bear: 1 pair of beige velour slippers, 1 pair of trainers, 1 green hooded top

2 pairs (brown and green/beige) of smart shorts

Me trying on the brown pair

Thursday 15 January 2009

1 year ago...

The Chedi in Muscat was a dream holiday

This time last year, Bear and I went to Oman for holiday where we stayed at the Chedi. I love looking at old pictures, and especially these ones where I can dream myself away...And what better way to forget about the cold and miserable weather weve got now?

This morning I took baby Bear to a local play group for the first time. No doubt was he the youngest there, but it really didnt matter because I met up with my friend Susanna and her son who's 7 months, and we both mainly chatted to other mothers which was great and I will definitely go back again.

My brother has been here this afternoon. We had coffee and he played with his nephew. I showed him a few tricks how to make him quiet if he's grouchy, we changed nappy and I let Erik bottle feed him as well. All in preperation for mine and Bear's two year anniversary, when we might plan to let Erik babysit so that we can go out.

Am now waiting for a good friend of mine, Annelie, who is visiting from Oslo. She will be coming round here any minute now and we are going to pop round to my local pub for some late lunch and perhaps a glass of wine. BYE FOR NOW! x

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Doctor's update

Carrying Sean in the Baby Bjorn sling this morning, on our way to the see the doctor.

I've just got back from the doctor. It was the six week check up for Sean (I had mine on Monday).

They measured him for the first time since birth when he was 51 cm, and today he was 59(!)cm and he weighed 4.7kg (he was 3.2kg at birth). He is growing really fast and sometimes I wish I could pause it for a while, and have him as that tiny little baby he was 6 weeks ago, for just a little bit longer...

On Friday I'm taking him to check his hearing, but he no doubt has got excellent hearing, cause he is already smiling when I play Elvis to him! :-)

Baby Bear is now 59cm long and weighs 4.7kg

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Love being a Mum

I have just spent the last couple of hours in bed with my wonderful son, Baby Bear. We had a nap, where he slept on my chest, and when I woke up I didnt’ want to move in case I wake him up, cause there is no bigger joy than having him so close, skin to skin, on my chest.

I did lot of thinking and came to the conclusion that no amount of research before you baby arrives really prepares you for just how much of an individual they are! What might work for one baby does not always work for the other, so everything is trial and error (there will be may, may errors until you hit the jackpot!).

One of the lows was last week when I decided to introduce the bottle. Even though it’s only for night times, and I will carry on breastfeeding during the days, I was racked with guilt and sadness.

But I must mention my darling boyfriend Bear - who by the way is a devoted fan of my blog AND me so “hello darling” – here’s a PUSS (kiss) in case I forgot to give you a real good one this morning X! - he was very supportive of me, especially during those agonizing 3am feeds, when Baby Bear suffered real bad stomach cramps, and by the time I fed him and rocked him to sleep, three hours had already passed and it was time for the next feed. Well, it has turned out really well since I’ve started giving him formula.

An example is last night when we went to bed at 11.30pm. I fed him with 150 ml bottle and then put him in his moses basket next to our bed. He then slept until 5.30am. And guess what; now I’m worrying why he is sleeping so much! It’s hard being a mother and worrying for the slightest thing.

But before I was a Mum – for example; I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby and I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child could make me feel so important and happy. I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mum. I just didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mum. So all in all, it’s a wonderful thing and I wouldn’t chang it for the world!

Today I will begin to dismantle the X-mas decorations. I know Christmas is well and truly over, but I just love our tree and the small but many lights in it that lights up so nicely in the evenings. I am also taking Baby Bear to the Health Centre to weigh him. I’ m very curious as to how much he has put on since it was nearly three weeks since last time I took him there.

Happy Tuesday! Puss Puss

Monday 12 January 2009

Busy day today..........

Baby Bear's first visit to a Scottish pub

Today has been a busy day! Baby Bear has oral thrush (candida) which apparently is common in babies, so I had to take him to the doctor. I've also been to the Swedish Embassy to apply for a Swedish passport for him (he will have dual nationality).

I've also been to see my consultant,Mr Wright, who delivered Sean, for my 6 week postnatal appointment. He examined me internally and we spoke about breast feeding and going back on the pill.

Speaking of breastfeeding, I have now started to give Baby Bear forumla in a bottle, in the night, in order to make him sleep longer and to make him fuller after the last meal of the day.

Last night we got back from Scotland pretty late and didnt get to bed until 1am. I then fed him with the formula and he slept until 6am! We couldn't believe our luck! And as if that's not enough; his night time cramps seem to be completely gone! :-) I will of course carry on breast feeding as long as I can or feel I have energy for.

The party in Sean's honour on Saturday was great. They had brought in caterers to prepare the food for the nearly 30 people that was there (including children). We got lots of pressies for him but unfortunately the camera battery ran out before then so I don't have any pics from that day. Here are a few from the first couple of days:

Baby Bear's great Grandma Margret who will turn 103 in March and his grand mother Sheila

Troon Beach, near where Bear grew up

My treasure

our little family

Beautiful Scottish sunset

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Scotland here we come!

Bear and I are taking baby Bear to Scotland tomorrow to meet his Scottish family. We will be travelling around staying with Bear's different relatives and the main event is a party in Sean's honor on Saturday. This will be his first time on an airplane so it's a little scary, but we are taking him in a baby carrier rather than bringing the pram. Oh, and whilst we are in there, we will also visit his grandmother who by the way will turn 103(!) in March.

The osteopath was great yesterday. They mainly worked on his stomach and diaphragm and he behaved so good the whole time. They noted that he smiles alot , and one of the ladies who examined him said "oh, he has got really big hands and feet - he will no doubt be very tall!" Oh yes, with a dad who is 6'3" and a granddad who is 6'6", he definitely will be!

Add Image

Pics from October 2007 which is the last time Bear and I went to Scotland,
as a duo and now we are a trio :-)

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Osteopathic Children's Centre today

Good morning! And yes it is a good morning! I have just finished a video call on MSN with Bear. If he is in his office in the mornings, I try to make it a routine to put baby Bear in his bouncer chair, place the laptop with the camera right in front of him and make a video call to Bear so he can look at his beautiful son everyday. :-)
So; it was another good night last night, although this time he woke up twice (as opposed to once the night before) between 12 - 8.15am, and was a little bit grouchy, but nothing in comparison to the hell we have experienced in the nights before. He seemed to have a little bit of cramp when he woke up but it didn't take me more than 15 mins to make him go back to sleep after feeding him, and he wasn't screaming out loud like he has before.
Both Bear and I are feeling really positive about it and also excited of just the thought that the colic is easing up and that our son is not in so much discomfort anymore.
Despite him getting better (or so it seems anyway), I am taking him to a Osteopathic Children's Centre this afternoon. My health visitor recommended it to me and said she has sent many colic babies there and many mothers have come back very grateful and pleased. At the clinic they treat babies and children for various conditions such as asthma,, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and sleeplessness, as well as more common childhood ailments like glue ear and colic.
A paediatric osteopath will use manual techniques to bring about profound changes within the child's body through gentle manipulation.
This will allow the different body systems - the nervous system, the immune system, the muscular system and the circulatory system - to work effectively and optimally. The treatment uses no drugs, and is non-invasive.

The OCC even has a team of 'flying' paediatric osteopaths who treat these babies within the intensive care and neonatal unit at Barnet hospital in London, so I'm feeling very optimistic about the treatment. Watch this space! PUSS

Monday 5 January 2009

Happy bunny! :-)

Today's outfit black cashmere v neck jumper, pink-grey kilt and black patent boots

I can't begin to tell you how my spirit has been uplifted! Today I am a such a happy bunny! Last night was one of the best one since Baby Bear was born! :-) Between 12am - 7.45am he only woke up ONCE(!) at 4am, had NO STOMACH CRAMPS(!) and he fell asleep again, straight after I fed him! What is happening? Is his digestive system getting better?
Will be back later and write more about it, but now my brother, Susanna and her son Alfie are on their way here. We are going for a walk to Queesways' shopping centre, Whiteleys where I'm hoping to pick up something nice in the sale. Have a great day! XOXO