There is no set time that you should get rid of your child's cot and put him in a bed, although most children make the move around 2 1/2, sometimes 3.
Usually, from what I've heard from other mums, the change would take place if you are toilet training him, or more commonly, at the arrival of you second baby.
However, neither of the above is our reason for the change today. We simply have to, as he has started to try and climb or jump out of his cot, and yesterday he did!
Imagine the shock when I was hovering the living room thinking he is in his room, in his cot having an afternoon nap, and then he just walks through the door. I thought I'd seen a ghost at first!
Well Sean's cot is one of the bigger and deeper ones there are, and the mattress has already been lowered to the max, so we figured now is the time for him to have his own bed before he injures himself badly.
The big disadvantage is though, that once free from the constraints of his cot, he can roam around the house at night, and the bed time routine now might be out the window, with him climbing out of the bed several times before accepting to sleep there.
I’ve been pretty stressed about the whole thing today, wishing Sean wasn’t so much taller than other boys his age and wanting my baby to stay a baby, for just a little bit longer. But I suppose it's a milestone in my life, too.
It's another sign that my little man is growing up. I can remember it like it was yesterday, when we first bought and assembled the cot. It's amazing how our life has changed since then. For the better of course!
Well Sean's cot is one of the bigger and deeper ones there are, and the mattress has already been lowered to the max, so we figured now is the time for him to have his own bed before he injures himself badly.
The big disadvantage is though, that once free from the constraints of his cot, he can roam around the house at night, and the bed time routine now might be out the window, with him climbing out of the bed several times before accepting to sleep there.
I’ve been pretty stressed about the whole thing today, wishing Sean wasn’t so much taller than other boys his age and wanting my baby to stay a baby, for just a little bit longer. But I suppose it's a milestone in my life, too.
It's another sign that my little man is growing up. I can remember it like it was yesterday, when we first bought and assembled the cot. It's amazing how our life has changed since then. For the better of course!
Aaaw, this was a lovely and very moving post. He is growing up so fast lil Sean. I can imagine that as a mother you are both delighted that he is developing and growing up at the same time as you wish that you could have him as a baby for just a little while longer. Beautifully written
Vilken stor pojke han har blivit! Det är väl alltid svårt att byta från spjälsäng till säng, men förr eller senare måste det hända! Hoppas han sover bra där också!
Hej! Ungefär samma grej hände oss med Molly. En kväll när hon var ett och halvt ungefär, hörde vi ett 'dunk' från hennes rum. Gick in och kollade - och där låg hon på trägolvet... Det gick bra som tur var! Nästa dag åkte vi till IKEA och köpte en säng till henne! Tror inte att Molly var längre än jämnåriga barn - men hon var bra på att klättra!
Med Maja ville vi undvika eventuella olyckor så hon flyttade in i egen säng när hon var drygt ett år.
Hoppas nattningen gick bra i kväll, det tror jag säkert!
Kram Helena
Spannande tider, kommer att ta nagra natter dock innan dom blir vana med det, tricket ar att leda dom tillbaka till sangen utan att prata och ha ogonkontatk, 100 ggr om det sa behovs under en natt. Till slut far dom message. Maya sover ocksa i sangen, och har slutat komma ut, har ramlat ut nagra ganger dock... Ses nasta vecka!
Caroline; thank you dear! :-) yes it is an emotional time for me with my baby growing up so soon, but then again, I of course love every new milestone and obstacle he/we overcome. They say "small children,small problems" ;-)
Marie; Ja han ar sa stor, jag fattar inte att han inte far plats i spjalsangen langre! Det ar nat visst med bebisar,de flesta mammor tycker nog det, men som du sager, det maste ju handa forr el senare att de vaxer uppp, haha.
Helena; Skont att hora en annans mamma's story. Usch, stackars Molly. An sa lange har faktiskt inte Sean trillat ur, men daremot vaknar han ju mitt i natten och ar helt disoriented och gar upp och staller sig och grater.. Men han vanjer sig nog snart hoppas vi! Kram
Triinu;aaha du foljer ocksa supernanny? She rules! :-) Precis sa gor vi ocksa. Tyvarr reste vi under helgen och da brots ju varat consistency monster som vi hallt sa bra. Men nu ar vi tillbaks och kor hart. Follow it through, right? Kram
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