Friday, 9 October 2015

Happy Friday handstand

It's a glorious sunny Autumn morning, it's Friday and I'm going for lunch with a girlfriend at Chiltern Firehouse, London's hottest celebrity hangout in the former fire station in Marylebone.
Have a good weekend everyone! 


Ástríður said...

Haha, hottie!

Have a lovely weekend, I'm sure you will in wonderful London!

Hope said...

Håller med, en riktig hottie är du! Vacker både på utsidan och insidan.
Trevlig helg önskar jag dig och familjen!

London Mummy said...

Hope & Astridur;. Aww, THANK you - you two are my biggest fans LOL! You're making me blush ;-)
Mwah! xxx


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