Sunday, 3 May 2020

Lockdown Life - 6 weeks and counting..

Forty two days here in Kingsdown, and tomorrow we'll be entering week 7 of the lock down.
Country life indeed - such pretty surroundings and we're really getting used to it now
Newly bathed and enjoying a picnic and popcorn in the living room 
Evening stroll in the sunshine
Hello Kingsdown beach - nice to sea you! 
My doctor brother working at a London hospital in the COVID ward - here all geared up in his PPE. We are all so proud of him!
Wisteria hysteria
Pink hoodie - first time wearing a Champion sweater since back in the '90s when they were hugely popular

Munchie drinking her daily black currant vitamin c drink 
It's only 1h and 10 mins train journey to get to Dover, and another 10 min drive to Kingsdown.
When nothing goes right, turn left! Getting lost on one of the many trails here.

I had to travel back to  London for a couple of nights, and boy it was surreal - a ghost town..
The purpose going to London was visiting my Mum and helping her out with shopping and other essentials. I took all precautions possible as she's considered high risk. 

Kingsdown is a village south of Deal, on the English Channel coast of Kent.

We stumbled across this pretty gate with the Swedish word Lyckan (happiness) on it.

We're falling more and more in love with this place
A deserted playground with sea views 
This is an uncompromising shingle beach with cliffs to the far end and amazing wild flowers growing alongside the pebbles. Let's see how long we'll be staying here but one thing is for sure, we will miss it dearly! 


Anonymous said...

Long time, no hear! Hope you all are safe, incl your mum!

Lilla My

London Mummy said...

Lilly My - aaah just realised I never answered this comment - apologies! Thanks for popping in, my memory is failing me though - pls remind me! 🤗

Anonymous said...

Sorry, just meant that you hadn’t posted for ages and I was just wondering if you were safe! Happy to see you back.

Lilla My

London Mummy said...

Lilla My - Aha, gotcha. Stay safe out there dear! xoxo


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