Saturday, 27 November 2010
Happy 2nd birthday, Sean!
My jewel, now two, whom I love unconditionally
Nearly seventeen hours after arriving at the Lindo Wing, I gave birth to the most handsome, cool , helpful, funny, inquisitive and loving little fella, Sean Alexander. (Read my full birth story here).
Nothing, and I really mean NOTHING, could/would have prepared me for the amazing feeling I would have while giving birth to him.
The amount of overflowing love I would have for this little person that had been growing inside me for nine months is simply incredible. Such a wonderful feeling. And boy, he was so tiny, and so perfect. And I was so happy!
Yes, that’s right – TWO whole years have gone by since then. And in these two years he has developed from a helpless newborn to a walking, talking child with a personality all of his own.
We will celebrate my darling baby boy’s second birthday in style, in a joint party with Bear’s mother who is turning 70. In Scotland. And I’m running late. Sean and Bear are already up there.. I’ve got a flight to catch. See you later, Ive got to rush to see my boys!
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Tip of the day
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
Today I....
... plan to.. go and pick up a dvd from Viv who’s at a nearby hair salon, go to the GP surgery for repeat prescription, pack for mine and the boys trip to Scotland for the weekend, arrange for handy man to come and do some work here, renew library books, pick up top from tailors, have hairdresser over to my flat to do my hair, put up x-mas decorations and cook dinner
... wish… it wasn’t so bloody cold outside!
... feel.. excited about our little holiday coming up in a few days where we will be staying in a very nice hotel in Troon and not returning to London until Monday
... have been thinking... about joining Virgin Active gym in Mayfair
... have been…. to Starbucks already!
... am wearing… my (already short) UGG boot that I have folded down for the first time, and it feels like I’m wearing a new pair!
…listening to…. this
… new DG glasses
... can’t believe… my son is turning TWO(!) on Saturday!
Friday, 19 November 2010
Shazam and Cocosuma
This fab tune by Parisian electro-pop band Cocosuma, is currently on repeat in my household
It was playing in Selfridges the other day when I was there, and I instantly fell in love with it. Thanks to Shazam, which is an unbelievable music identification service, I incredibly found out who sings it and the name of the song.
How? I just dialled 2580 (only in UK) from my phone and held the phone to capture any music playing in the background (near speaker or towards wherever the music seems to be coming from).
The service then analyzes the captured sound, seeks a match and the result is sent back to your phone by a text message and then charged £0.50 per successful track (And EVERYTIME I've used the service, it has found the correct singer/name of song).
You can thank me later! x
Thursday, 18 November 2010
sheepskin and shades

Yesterday on our (Bear and I) quality time for grown ups-day, I wore my brand new sunglasses with brown lenses and gold frames, from this season's Dolce Gabbana. It was also the first time since last winter that I wore my long, brown, sheepskin coat from Joseph.
Newly cleaned and worth every penny having it cleaned as it felt like new again.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Give me five!

- London has the world's first organic pub. Enjoy a 'pure pint' at the Duke of Cambridge, Islington
- More than a third of London is made up of green space
- The Tate Modern is the most popular modern art gallery in the world
- Westfield London is Europe's largest urban shopping centre
Source: Condé Nast Traveller (a luxury travel magazine that we subscribe to)
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Stocking filler wish

Monday, 15 November 2010
new in my bathroom

They are as follows:
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Paris for the day
So, we are going for a little expedition in December - Paris for the day- such a novelty! :-)
Friday, 12 November 2010
Thursday, 11 November 2010
On a rainy day
Today Sean isn't at nursery and that usually means I take him outside to the park or the the playground. Unfortunately the weather is not conductive for outside play today so we have to turn a soggy and wet day into a fun-filled, indoor experience, starting to do a puzzle :-)
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Strike it!
The bowling shoes werent as bad as I remember them!
Neither of us scored very high, but Bear certainly trashed me! lol
On our way home we rented the 'Boris bikes' (Barclays Cycle Hire) for the first time
Both Bear and I really enjoyed it and will definitely do rent them again, now that we have signed up and become members, as part of our midweek plan
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Monday, 8 November 2010
Just another list
1. Thought for the day... 47 days until Christmas!
2. Yesterday I... bought a hooded top at Gap for Sean, spent ages lusting for clothes on Selfridges 2nd floor, bought groceries at M&S food shop in Marble Arch, dressed up warm and went for a long walk around Regents Park with Dad, Erik and my little man, cooked lentil soup, watched X-factor, arranged for a cleaner to come next week and clean our blinds in every room.
3. Wishing I the new Apple MacBook Air,
4. Currently enjoying... watching my son learning new words daily, Capital Gold digital radio station that only plays 60s,70s and 80s (so nice with no current songs playing for a change!), preparing and organising for x-mas, wearing warm Ugg-like slippers, reading tweets and looking for new people to follow, Starbucks gingerbread lattes and my nearly finished Jo Malone travel candle.
5. One thing I plan to do this week... go bowling with Bear on Wednesday as part of our 'Midweek quality time'-plan
6. Spent too much time lately on... watching the first two seasons of the American tv-series "Hung".
7. Last movie I watched... Julie and Julia, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Sunday, 7 November 2010
My baby brother's bday on Friday
Even the cake was Italian, and a very yummy one!