Saturday, 29 November 2008
He has arrived!!!

Thursday, 27 November 2008
And here we go... finally!

Will keep you posted.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008

It can take up to 12 hours to just get the labour starting so I'm guessing that by Friday night or at least on Saturday I will be holding baby Bear in my arms. I'm not sure how I will be able to sleep tonight but Bear and I are both going to bed early to try and get lots of rest in preperation for the big day. Good night, all. Wish me good luck! PUSS PUSS
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
30% off at Gap from now until Sunday 30 Nov

The end is near...

My consultant told me that I need an end in sight as it's draining me both mentally and physically and that we should book me in to the hospital for the induction if nothing has happened naturally before Thursday or Friday depending on when there is available space. He will call me today to confirm which of the two days. Ideally I do not want to be induced but on the other hand I just want it all to be over and meet my son, so to know now that by Sunday the latest, I will be a mother, is such a relief.
I'm attaching pictures below from yesterday afternoon when mum and I went to town for some shopping.
Marylebone Underground Station
Monday, 24 November 2008
False alarm... *big sigh*

The contractions that I felt this morning, new ones, which I haven't felt before, didn't take off the way I wanted them to. I still have these period-like pains, and maybe it's a sign that something is happening, even though it's a slow start.. Well I'm desperate to cling on to anything not to lose my hope.
I managed to go to sleep eventually with my electric heating pad placed on my back, and have slept until now. Guessing because I was so tense. It's a huge disappointment and I'm not sure how to deal with it all. I really had such big hopes but now I just feel depressed...We will carry on the reflexology today and then I've got my doctor's appointment at 5.30pm. Will be interesting to see what he says.. Bye for now and sorry for the false alarm...
Could this be it?

Mum did some more reflexology on me last night, we walked up and down the stairs and I also slid down the stairs whilst sitting and felt the bumpy ride in my pelvis on each step, in the hope that it would start something. She then stood at the bottom of the stairs and picked me up each time. The things you do when you're desperate, eh? :-)
I'm now sitting in the kitchen in complete darkness, with only the light from my laptop. Mum and Bear are sleeping and I have no intention of waking them up.
I just really wish thatI don't have to go to my weekly appointment this evening to see Mr. Wright, my consultant at Harley Street, but that I will see him later when he will deliver my baby instead! Not sure if I can sleep through this but don't know how to make the time pass now.
Will update ( or have my brother do it) here later if anything changes. Keep your fingers crossed that this is it, this is the beginning of when I will meet my son! xoxo
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Sunday Breakfast
Bear popped out this morning to our local favourite German bakery and got some fresh baps and coffeee. As usual he bought the Sunday Papers incl News of the World which has a front page story today of the famous chef Gordon Ramsay playing away from home!! Can't wait to read it now. Have a nice Sunday.
Thank You

Saturday, 22 November 2008
Ice Skating
Swedish mulled wine
Friday, 21 November 2008
Christmas lights up London

Good Morning, Friday! Another night with on and off contractions, but no baby... Now I'm nearly a week overdue and I'm not sure I can bare any more comments such as "Oh you're still pregnant? When will you have that baby?" ..
Last night my mum did some reflexology on me which we will do again today, and we then made ham and cheese crepes with the leftover pancakes from the other day. Today me and mum are tidying the flat and she will then go for an 80 minute deep tissue massage at the Elizabeth Arden Spa in Mayfair. I'm not envious oh no...
I know it wasn't long since I posted pics of Selfridges window decorations, but yesterday when I was out and about with mum, I noticed they have already changed! Here are some of the newly decorated ones:

Thursday, 20 November 2008
Out and about in London
After many ifs and buts, I came to the conclusion that I chose the wrong colour of the nappy bagfrom Longchamp and that I should exchange it to a black one instead. Mum and I thought it would be a good idea to walk all the way to the shop on New Bond Street and back, to get some exercise and to kick start contractions and labour.
We stopped over at a cosy pub near James Street, W1, for lunch. Not sure though, if the long walk has contributed to anything more than me now being completely knackered... *sigh*.
mum indulged in a glass of wine with her lunch
bangers and mash
gammon steak and fries
Domestic goddess

Wednesday, 19 November 2008
4 days overdue

I am certainly no expert in this field but know that being relaxed is best option if you want babies to come out - they seem to know if coast is clear! But it’s easier said than done..
Being overdue depresses you. At times I feel very low and antisocial and can't be bothered to speak to or see anyone, but trying to remain upbeat for the sake of my unborn baby boy.
I've been having tightenings/contractions on and off now for a few days, and I’m waddling like a penguin due a pain in my right groin. I’ve got a constant need to pee and my cervix is getting a good headbutting from Sean, and at the moment it feels as though his head is right in between my legs!
I am ready to be finished, prepared for labour, and especially now with mum who has arrived to help with the transition, yet I’m still pregnant. ...it feels a little bit like a failure, after all, I am not doing my job....No baby to show for my forty weeks of effort. It just feels like I will never go into labour. Any advice or comforting words are gratefully received. Puss
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Inducing talks and washing advice

I'm faced with a choice between waiting and continuing to let nature take its course or making plans to have my labour induced. We decided to make another appointment to see him on Monday and if Sean hasn't come by then, we will discuss it further.
He told me that if I was having my baby in France, I would have been given a different due date, one week later, and that I should try and relax about it all (sure, very easy indeed!!!) ;-)
And here's a funny washing advice I stumbled across. BYE 4 NOW xoxo

Monday, 17 November 2008
Love letters

40 weeks + 2 days and counting..

Sunday, 16 November 2008
Marc Jacobs accessory

last minute preparations for Baby Bear
I'm having contractions serveral times a day now, the whole stomach is feeling very tense and I'm having a lot of pressure on my bowels.
Ear thermometer
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Due date today but no baby yet...
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Starbucks and an Independent Financial Advice Award for Bear

They completely understood me and shouted the double-tall-wet –skinny- caramel -latte to the back and I got my coffee in a really speedy-starbucksy-coffee-shop kind of way. Im telling you, its like a new, albeit unusable, language. Haha!
Other than that, Bear just called and told me that his company has won the "Gold Standard Award for Independent Financial Advice" which he has to pick up at the House of Commons on 25 November! From what I understand, the standard of entries was very high and I'm really proud of his achievement. Well done my love!

Beautiful morning music I'm playing for Sean today
Israel Kamakawiwo'ole on Youtube with 12.5 million (!) hits
Good morning! I woke up at 4.57am today from contractions, but they didn't last very long unfortunately. I made tea for me and Bear and brought it to the bed. We then watched the news, still in bed, and then cuddled under the duvet keeping the cold away, chit chatting, both saying how much we value this time on our own together, then dozed until 8.30am.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
No news to report...
Sorry to disappoint, but no Sean yet! :-( Bear and I have been out all day today and only came back just now. As it's his day "working from home", I managed to persuade him to go to Ikea, and then we visited his close friend Gary and his lovely family, who live not far from there. I'm absolutely knackered now and can barely keep my eyes open. Will now put my feet up high, have a well deserved nap and get back once I've regained some energy.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
baby bottom butter on the face

The buying frenzy began after it was given glowing recommendations on parenting websites incl Mumsnet.com; "I can't even remember what made me put it on my face one day but OMG - it is fab. "I have been using it constantly for 2 weeks now and my skin now has the smoothest texture, which I don't think it's had since prepubescence. "And it makes my foundation look super dewy and youthful too. It is SO much better than all the expensive face creams I have tried - including Creme de la Mer."
Waiting impatiently
What a difference a 24 hours makes! After yesterday's hideous weather in London, it can only get better today. Thankfully it's dry and quite mild at the mo, about 13 degrees.
I've been to my weekly doctor's appointment and all is good. Sean has still his head deep down and is not positioned back to back either which is good news.
Monday, 10 November 2008
Sweden's alcohol policy

The state-run monopoly Systembolaget is the only place in Sweden where you can buy alcohol. And the policy towards alcohol largely reflects Swedish society's attitude towards alcohol – hypocritical. Because Sweden has one of the strictest drink-driving limits in the world, however, it is fine to drive while talking on a mobile phone (which I'm sure must be as dangerous as being drunk) – but hey, talking is not a sin!
But it's really the strict hours and high tax that annoys me the most when I think of Systembolaget. For example; you are running late to dinner with your friends and you wish you could just run in to an off licence or a supermarket for a Merlot and… bam, you remember that it closes around 3pm on Saturdays, so unless part of the Sat rituals includes making a stop at the Systembolaget, you are basically out of luck. i.e. - you simply cannot be spontaneous about buying booze.
On the other hand, I can see some advantages of trying to reduce alcohol consumption and prolonging the drinking age to keep the youngsters healthy and all the rest. And the Swedish policy on alcohol has been very restrictive for years, and it's just something people have accepted it seems.