Hi!... I woke up feeling tired and cranky after a night without contractions (they've stopped coming now-grr!) but several toilet visits. I can even sense a little disappointment in Bear now, cause I can feel even he is now ready and prepared to meet his son, but as he is delaying his arrival to this world, Bear's had to re-arrange his plans which were to stay home and enjoy two weeks "daddydays" starting from today. (In Sweden all partners can enjoy a paid ten-day parental leave after their child's birth, but am not sure how it works over here? )
Instead he left for work, but with no meetings or clients to see, and is keeping his phone right by his side. I went back to bed and have surprisingly slept until now, and am feeling refreshed and ready for some chores including ordering food from Tesco online etc.
I've got my weekly doctor's appointment this evening and Bear is coming with me as usual. Will see what he's saying about being overdue, and how long he thinks we should wait to induce me. I just really wish they don't have to induce me. It's scares me to start labour unnaturally, but the longer my pregnancy continues, the larger my baby is likely to be - which may complicate a vaginal delivery, and that scares me even more!!
Oh, I've just wrapped this year's first Christmas presents! Early, I know, but with all this time on my hands.... :-) Hope you'll have a wonderful week. I will of course update here as soon as anything happens, and hopefully this will be our most wonderful week ever!!! Puss puss
1 comment:
Hej gumman!
Det verkar som han har helt andra planer än att följa shemat men jag tror han kommer vilken dag som helst.
Är helt säker på att han kommer på torsdag. Det har jag önskat mig:)
Jag hoppas allt går Bra, så syns vi i Januari om ni är i Landet då.
Hälsa din mamma så gott!
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