I am certainly no expert in this field but know that being relaxed is best option if you want babies to come out - they seem to know if coast is clear! But it’s easier said than done..
Being overdue depresses you. At times I feel very low and antisocial and can't be bothered to speak to or see anyone, but trying to remain upbeat for the sake of my unborn baby boy.
I've been having tightenings/contractions on and off now for a few days, and I’m waddling like a penguin due a pain in my right groin. I’ve got a constant need to pee and my cervix is getting a good headbutting from Sean, and at the moment it feels as though his head is right in between my legs!
I am ready to be finished, prepared for labour, and especially now with mum who has arrived to help with the transition, yet I’m still pregnant. ...it feels a little bit like a failure, after all, I am not doing my job....No baby to show for my forty weeks of effort. It just feels like I will never go into labour. Any advice or comforting words are gratefully received. Puss
Deppa inte ihop! Ga till puben med mamma och ta ett glas vin, kanske far man hoppas att det kan satta fart pa processen?
look on the bright side, think of it as quiet time to yourself and well rested nights.... the last you'll EVER have for years and years to come!
enjoy the time with your mother as you wait for Sean. by thinking about it will only make you go crazy, and as a last resort, don't they start labor after a few days?? no--- sweat, except for when you finally do go in labour, then you're REALLY sweat'n.
Not sure if this helped, but on the day I went into the labour I had a bath with clary sage oil. Apperantly clary sage is known to start labour, can be bought in most places they sell armoma therapy oils or online. Good luck!
Med min forsta graviditet gick jag oxa over tiden rejalt, det var trakigt och fysiskt jobbigt, men jag lovar att din lilla bjorn kommer ut nar han ar redo! Du har sedan massor med tid att njuta ihop med honnom!
Den som vantar pa nagot gott...
Puss o Kram/Gina
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