Hello! There's been a change of plans on this side of the pond... It's been snowing non stop for 48 hours here in Boulder, which has made the surroundings even more magical and our stay more pleasant but because of it, we decided not to risk driving the hour long journey (in snow storm)to the airport yesterday and changed our ticket and delayed our return with two days, which now means we are back in London on Sunday. See you when we're back! X
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Delayed return..
Hello! There's been a change of plans on this side of the pond... It's been snowing non stop for 48 hours here in Boulder, which has made the surroundings even more magical and our stay more pleasant but because of it, we decided not to risk driving the hour long journey (in snow storm)to the airport yesterday and changed our ticket and delayed our return with two days, which now means we are back in London on Sunday. See you when we're back! X
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Hello! from Colorado
Food served on the plane included lentil salad (see if you spot my feet)
and a chocolate cheese cake and champagne for dessert
Monday, 16 March 2009
Shall we Tweet? :-)

Sunday, 15 March 2009
Birthday celebrations

Before all the guests arrived we took the opportunity to make use of the empty dance floor
Baby Bear not so awake anymore because the cosy atmosphere in the cave made him sleep
Some of my birthday pressies - what a lucky girl I am! From left to right: Louis Vuitton tote handbag, new Swedish sparkling vodka from Camitz & Lindberger, black and white pearls from Chanel, Mark Jacobs Daisy parfume and lotion, Louis Vuitton large scarf, Pink Champagne Truffels by Charbonnel et Walker, tickets to Michael Jackson West End musical, Thriller and tickets to the actual MJ concert in January 2010, Hello Kitty PJ.
Friday, 13 March 2009
TGIF (no I don't care that it's the 13th - stop going on about it!
These pictures are from today after I'd been to the hairdresser (whilst Mum looked after Baby Bear). I am really getting things done when Mum is here. Yesterday we spent hours clearing out our utility room, cleaning it, throwing away unused stuff and made space for Baby Bear's outgrown clothes.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Rolling over, Michael Jackson and baby foot massage

Today, he executed a perfect back -to-belly at the perfect time - just when Mum and I were playing with him, so we got to witness his roll together. We had put him down on a blanket and my little boy promptly flipped over. Of course his arm got stuck under him which made him angry. Once he wriggled it free, he tried to push forward but didn't quite manage it. But now I just can't stop him from rolling.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Best birthday present ever
Monday, 9 March 2009
Being grateful
Today I've got lots to catch up with after spending most of the weekend in bed. We are about one glass away from being out of milk, there is blueberry stuck to the floor (from our smoothies we made) and there is Kleenex tissues spread all over my bedroom *sigh*.
Not sure if you've heard about Little Miss Hannah, a 7 month old little girl diagnosed with Gaucher's Disease. If not, then I highly recommend you watch this video and learn a little bit about her life, diagnosis and future. I got very emotional when watching it (yes I cried!), and ever since having Sean, I'm finding it difficult watching children's charity adverts on TV regarding child abuse or starving children in Africa etc.
Well anyway, her mother put together a website in honor of her baby girl and her fight to find a cure to save her daughter's life. You can visit Hannah's site HERE. Hannah is also hosting her very first giveaway to raise awareness about her disease, so make sure you check it out.If anything, spread the word, post the video and say a little prayer for this child who is fighting for her life. And before I post the video I thought to write a very appropriate list.
Today, I’m grateful for:
my adorable baby boy Sean and the health of my family
waking up without an alarm
Not going back to work
the sun shining over London
fresh choc chip cookies
large coffee cups
my heated mattress pad,
dark red nail polish
my beautifully cosy wonderful home that I share with my two boys
Elvis Presley
friendship and funny girlfriends
Monday morning’s grande latte with a little foam on top
a long hot shower
the nice scent from the pink lillies in our livingroom
Now have a nice Monday and remember to be grateful. Here is Hannah's film:
Friday, 6 March 2009
feeling under the weather

Thursday, 5 March 2009
Yesterday in pics
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Welcome Wednesday!

This is what it looks like in our kitchen after the Tesco driver has dumped all the food he delivered. Not sure why it didn't come in bags today like it normally does...
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Swedish Mum 'n' babies gathering
People think I’ve gone mad when I say my feet have grown half a size since becoming a mother. No, my feet are by no means swollen, that's not what I mean. They are just bigger than before. And then to hear that two of the three mothers that visited also have bigger feet since having a baby, was quite reassuring to say the least! :-)
A more gorge pram than this will be difficult to find!
Monday, 2 March 2009
Random ramblings
Tonight's dinner simmering - a very hot chili con carne
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Bluebells and butterflies

Note the beautiful roses in the background ,that I picked up from our local market yesterday - £3.50 (circa 45.00 SEK) for a dozen, not bad, eh?
So we have entered a new month today - We are now one step closer to turning the clocks one hour forward (at the end of March) and saying goodbuy to wintertime, yay!
I really look forward to Spring. It's such a wonderful time of the year. What I mostly like about it are the flowers, such as Bluebells, the cherry blossom on the trees and the sounds of singing birds outside your window. Oh, and not to be forgotten is the first butterfly emerging from its winterlong hibernation to inform us of Spring's approach.
I love the butterflies. To me they are a symbol of a new start, something fresh, being inspired to start NEW with many things, incl Spring cleaning, which for me includes clearing out my closet, including my knicker drawer (throwing away the ones I haven't used for 12 months) which I do every year.
Later we aim to find a car seat for Baby Bear so that we can all go for drives as the weather inproves.
Here I give you a little peak of Sean in our bed last night. Luv n kisses!!