Last night before going to bed, I thought to make a note of the events of the coming night. Here's what happened;
10pm - fed Baby Bear
11.30 - Baby Bear fell asleep
1.30am - Baby Bear woke up with stomach cramps and was very cranky. I had to get up and waddle him for some time before he fell asleep again.
3am - Baby Bear woke up again and was hungry. Fed him
5am - Baby Bear woke up with stomach cramps. Bear tried walking around with him, put him under the music mobile, turned on the lights, waddled him etc. Baby Bear finally slept.
6.30am - Baby Bear woke up and was hungry - Fed him 30 mins
7am - Gave him to mum in other bedroom to try and get some uninterrupted sleep
8.30 - woke up, heard Baby Bear in other room. Went to check on him. Mum said he has been awake since she's 7am and that he has been grouchy with cramps the whole time, but also that she can manage it, so I went back to bed.
10(-ish)am - Mum woke me to say Baby Bear is hungry and I fed him.
So, as you can see, life as a parent to a new born is very different to what it was like before. No more sleeping until the alarm comes on or even just a few hours uninterrupted sleep - that's in the past.
I have bought Gripe Mixture for colic which I'm replacing the Dentinox drops with, starting from today. Again, hoping to see some improvement. I'm ready to try everything there is out there but obviously not all at once cause then I don't know which ones are working.
Well, despite the sleepless nights, life as a Mum is wonderful and I wouldn't change it for the world. Sean has in the last few days started to really focus his eyes and is really looking at me and recognising me which is such a joy.
Earlier today we went to see my health visitor and weighed Baby Bear. He was exactly 4 kilos and I was told it was a perfect steady gain. :-) Now I can't wait for tomorrow, Christmas Eve, which is when we (and other Swedes) will celebrate X-mas. We will however, save some pressies for the 25th which is when the UK is celebrating, so Bear feels that we are embracing his tradition too. Bye for now.x0x