My darling baby is 7 months today
A few updates about Sean:
Fussing when we take something away from him
Best age so far I think, he is so very playful and happy
He loves Mr. Tumble on CBEEBIES. Every time he comes on, Sean stops what he is doing and turns to the TV with a big grin on his face
We've moved on to the stage 2 of the weaning so he is now eating foods with lumps as oppose to smooth purees
Loves music and sing songs
Getting in to a pretty good sleeping pattern (7.30am - approx 6/6.30am)
He is a boy on the move, ready to give his mum a head full of gray hairs. With that he is obviously prone to accidents, so we have to keep a watchful eye on him the whole time
(Pics in this post are from last Saturday's Midsummer party amongst several hundred other Swedes)
Best age so far I think, he is so very playful and happy
He loves Mr. Tumble on CBEEBIES. Every time he comes on, Sean stops what he is doing and turns to the TV with a big grin on his face
We've moved on to the stage 2 of the weaning so he is now eating foods with lumps as oppose to smooth purees
Loves music and sing songs
Getting in to a pretty good sleeping pattern (7.30am - approx 6/6.30am)
He is a boy on the move, ready to give his mum a head full of gray hairs. With that he is obviously prone to accidents, so we have to keep a watchful eye on him the whole time
(Pics in this post are from last Saturday's Midsummer party amongst several hundred other Swedes)

Happy 7 months to your little guy! My daughter is 7 months tomorrow (the 28th). I's the best age yet! She's really becoming a person and her little personality is starting to shine through!
Var firade ni midsommar nanstans? Nara London kan jag tanka mig, har uppe i norr hander inte mycket svenskt. Vad mysigt med svensk midsommar, jag kan aldrig fira midsommar i Sverige pga att jag ar larare och inte slutar jobba forren i mitten eller slutet pa Juli...
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