Monday, 30 November 2009
Friday, 27 November 2009
Sean 1 year old today!!!!

I can't believe it. My angel is ONE YEAR old!. I'm not sure I can still call him a baby because it feels more like we have a little boy, a tiny toddler in the flat now. I actually get the feeling now that my son is a person in his own right. He has his own personality and very definite preferences, he's not just a baby waiting to be fed, have his nappy changed and be put to bed.
Some other new talents--he claps and waves back at us. He is eating lots of solids now and will pretty much eat anything, although he hasn't quite figured out how to proper chew yet--he ends up storing pieces in his mouth then spits them out.
He still cant stand unassisted now, although he stand when holding on to things, and walk along side our table or other furniture.His current favourite toy is a ball which he keeps throwing, crawling after, catching it and throwing it again (for ages), and on Cbeebies he loves watching Waybuloo over and over again.
Sean really makes me so incredibly genuinely happy and fulfilled, only in a way a parent can understand. He enables me to grow as a person, and forcing me to grow up and take hold of my responsibilities, with both hands, and a smile. He is my delight, joy and purpose. A real sunshine, who wakes me up most morning with a massive smile that says “I love you, Mum”.
And you see, what’s so incredible is just that, that they really do love you, their parent/s. No matter what. In all circumstances do they love us, look up to us, admire us whilst we are trying, sometimes failing, then trying again, to be good parents. But they allow us to make mistakes, and they forgive you and give you another chance. With that big hard wonderful hug that says, “it’s ok Mum, I know you’re doing your best. And that’s really just what I am trying to, being the best Mum I can be to Sean. I hope he one day can see and feel that.
Happy first birthday my wonderful baby boy, my flesh and blood, my treasure, my everything. Mummy loves you immeasurably
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Living in Britain

Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Monday, 23 November 2009

Sunday, 22 November 2009
the skill of walking
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Saturday eve at ours

Inspiration: Champagne

Thursday, 19 November 2009
Definition of love

Imagine this...Bear walks upstairs to the bedroom with a beautiful cup in hand and says, "Darling, would you like a cup of tea?"
And it's not just any old cup of tea that he makes. He knows how to make the perfect cup of tea (and has picked out the prettiest cup, my favourite pink one with pink hearts on it, that always suits my mood). Tea just the way I like. English breakfast tea with just the right amount of milk.
And, on top of that, he emptied the dishwasher and took Sean when he woke up, changed his nappy and gave him his bottle of milk, and have played with him, all during the space of 1 1/2 hours, when I've been snoozing under the weight of my protective duvet!
Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Stupidity and sarcasm

Here is something I noticed today, crossing many streets this morning as I was walking from home, all the way to Piccadilly Circus:
You know when you go and push the button at the pedestrian crossing. PLEASE tell me why, even RIGHT after I push it (and people around me see me push it) do the same people feel the need to push it it again?
We are all walking the same way across the same crosswalk. Do they not think I know how to push a simple button correctly, so they push it again? Same scenario applies to lifts (see above).
If the floor you are going to is already lit up, why push it again? I know it is probably just a habit or human nature, but still. It annoys me. Please enlighten me....
Monday, 16 November 2009
Hermes auction

Sunday, 15 November 2009
The Sunday lunch

Good morning Sunday!
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Early rise and worst storm this year

Friday, 13 November 2009
Thursday, 12 November 2009
1. I am terrified of insects (only small ones, not snakes and bigger animals) and would not enter a room if there is one, and I scream out load if I feel threatened
2. I am quite anal with hygiene and have got a phobia of touching public things i.e. – I always take a tissue and wrap it around the cinnamon/chocolate sprinkler in Starbucks before grabbing it. Don’t even get me started on toilet visits or on public transports (which I by the way try and avoid completely)
11. I know my National Insurance number by heart (why? Dunno, ridiculous, I know!)

Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
It's the little things in life...

Here are a few "little" things right now, that makes me happy:
our cosy TV-bed
the battery operated flickering candles behind our window blinds
my new Juicy Couture down jacket
Starbucks new Christmassy red cups
lilies in our living room
my Burberry ear muffs
planning and organising for Sean’s birthday
TV favourite “Come Dine With Me”
Christmas present shopping
sending Christmas cards
Sunday brunch at Raul’s on Clifton Road, W9
romancing during weekend in Paris, end of December
wintry soups
US drama; Brothers & Sisters
my Mum’s arrival in a couple of weeks
The Positivity Blog (in English) by fellow Swede Henrik Edberg
Ginger snaps from IKEA
InStyle, Grazia, Mama and other fab mags
my playlist on Spotify (West London's Jay Sean and his " Down" is one of many on my current playlist)
Monday, 9 November 2009
Wintry Walk