You are three months old today and I am at a loss to explain how another month with you has passed so quickly. You are such a happy baby full of sunshine and grins. You are easily the size of a four or five month old baby (that’s not to be confused with being overweight – you are just very tall, which is why you can’t fit in to the clothes meant for your age.)
You are so content to just sit and contemplate the ceiling but also like to be entertained. You love it when I sing to you, to be rocked, bounced, kissed and danced around the flat.. You are trying your best to roll over but have not yet quite figured out to how. You slobber on your hands quite a lot, in fact, anything you get a hold of, you put it in your mouth!
You enjoy laying in you cot staring up at the mobile above your head. Your eyes following the colourful soft toy animals which circulate to the background music and lullaby gently coming from the mobile’s speaker.
Another new part of your daily routine is to have your breakfast, in our tv-bed, with your eyes glued to the bright coloured characters of your favourite TV show “Lazy Town” – they seem to keep you amused for hours on end – I wonder what’s going on in your mind when watching them!
You are also able to eat without any assistance from anyone, with only a blanket or pillow put under the bottle when in your mouth!
You adore your father - your entire face just lights up when he comes home every day.
You have the most adorable little chubby thighs. I absolutely cannot get enough of those thighs and my heart nearly explodes with love each time I look at your beautiful face or when you turn to give me one of your slobbery baby kisses. Love you endlessly , baby Sean!
You are so content to just sit and contemplate the ceiling but also like to be entertained. You love it when I sing to you, to be rocked, bounced, kissed and danced around the flat.. You are trying your best to roll over but have not yet quite figured out to how. You slobber on your hands quite a lot, in fact, anything you get a hold of, you put it in your mouth!
You enjoy laying in you cot staring up at the mobile above your head. Your eyes following the colourful soft toy animals which circulate to the background music and lullaby gently coming from the mobile’s speaker.
Another new part of your daily routine is to have your breakfast, in our tv-bed, with your eyes glued to the bright coloured characters of your favourite TV show “Lazy Town” – they seem to keep you amused for hours on end – I wonder what’s going on in your mind when watching them!
You are also able to eat without any assistance from anyone, with only a blanket or pillow put under the bottle when in your mouth!
You adore your father - your entire face just lights up when he comes home every day.
You have the most adorable little chubby thighs. I absolutely cannot get enough of those thighs and my heart nearly explodes with love each time I look at your beautiful face or when you turn to give me one of your slobbery baby kisses. Love you endlessly , baby Sean!
Om alla kaffemuggar pa bordet ar dina sa forstar ditt beroende av Starbucks :-)
Valdigt fint skrivet, tiden gar sa himla fort med dom sma liven. Min systers son var nyss fodd kanns det som men pa nat markligt satt ar han anda snart tva manader.
Ha en bra helg
Blir helt rörd när jag läser texten, haha :) Och håller med, han ser verkligen stor ut för sin åldern, men ändå på ett propotioneligt sätt. Pojken jag tar hand om är 6 mån och ser typ lika stor ut som din lilla baby Bear. Och dricka utan hjälp, vilken super bebis du har :D
Tack tjejer! Sadana kanslor bara dyker upp, fran ingenstans, nar man far barn.
Man blir liksom helt overwhelmed och jag bubblar over med kanslor jag tidigare inte haft!
Ja, mamma tycker ju ocksa att han har en super bebis saklart hihi.
Kram pa er!
Ha ha, kan forsta att jag later lite broody nu nar jag laser min kommentar igen.. Lite overkill kanske??
Det ar syrrans, hon har 4 kids under 5 ar och hon ar bara 32. Man blir ju forbannad.. ;-)
Jag skulle garna men taskig timing, om det nu nansin ar ratt timing.
Hur lange var du pa ditt jobb innan du slutade?
OMG! Fyra bebbar under 5 ar - way to go! Ja, kan man och vill man, sa ar det bara att kora pa. Ingen ide att vanta ju! Vi ska borja baka en ny i ugnen i slutet pa aret el borjan av nasta :-)
Ang mitt jobb sa sa jag upp mig pga graviditeten efter att ha varit dar i dryga 5 ar. (Visserligen bara halvtid *njöt*, da chefen reste sa mkt.)
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