And so the pram has finally arrived!!!! Now it's just Sean we are waiting for...
Friday, 31 October 2008
delivery buzz
I'm still waiting for the delivery of my laptop which has been away for repair again, and for the pram. Hopefully they will come today cause that would really make a good start to the weekend!
baby clothes
Trick or treat?

Yesterday evening would have been great for Halloween and candle lit pumkins because the electricity in our building went out completely by 6pm. But of course by then it was too late to get an engineer on site, so we were left us with no light, heating or even water (as the electricity affected the water pump).
When I was younger we didn't celebrate Halloween at all in Sweden, but it seems it's now that they do. I personally think it's just a way for companies to get money out of the consumer which is why they have imported another tradition from America.
Feeling slightly better this morning, not so weepy, but have pregnancy related pain everywhere it seems. Electricity has now been sorted out but we still have no water, so Bear has gone to our local gym for a shower.
Whilst I'm waiting for the water to be switched on again, I'll be looking through this brouschure that came in the post today. They have a fabulous range of contemporary and traditional -style cushions and I will try and find some nice suitable ones for our second bedroom that I have not quite finished decorating yet.
Whilst I'm waiting for the water to be switched on again, I'll be looking through this brouschure that came in the post today. They have a fabulous range of contemporary and traditional -style cushions and I will try and find some nice suitable ones for our second bedroom that I have not quite finished decorating yet.

Thursday, 30 October 2008
No joy
And so my trouble free nights are over.. I've been awake since 4am and am not the happiest bunny. I have contractions which are painful but way too far apart to even think I'm close to labour starting, and my feet are so swollen that no shoes fit me and I'm starting to develop dark circles under my eyes.
The slightest set-back will have me in tears and I'm currently uber-clingey with Bear. Feeling sorry for him who has to put up with me right now but I am so grateful to have him.
At my lowest point this morning he offered to stay at home today although of course I told him no. He did however stay home and comfort me until as late as 10.30am.
I was meant to see Susanna and Alfie at 12 today but that I unfortunately had to cancel as I'm in no mood to see anyone. Thankfully it wasn't that long ago that she was pregnant so if anyone understands me fully now it's her. Will try and see them tomorrow instead.
The whole nesting thing which is supposed to have kicked in by now, seems to have passed me by entirely - I've had no desire to do any major housework at all, although I did manage to make scrambled eggs for Bear this morning. That was the least I could do for him as a thank you for being there for me and telling me the right things at the right time. I want Sean to come now, I've had it with this pregnancy. So pls my little treasure, my little baby boy, come NOW, or I don't know how I'll cope!!!!!
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Haircut and pram news
Today I've been to the hairdresser for a wash and cut (only a trim). I bought these products as my hair is in desperate need of a detox. Using lotions and potions clogs up your hair just as make up does to your skin pores, and luckily the experts at Wella Professionals have made detoxing simple by creating this "facial" for your hair with the Lifetex Pure System. (I am hoping my hair dresser friend Cecilia, who I will see in a few days, approves!!)
Oh, and I received some good news earlier, from the Emmaljunga retailer here in the UK. They have now sent our pram by courier so it's just a matter of days until it will arrive :-) Now I will try and have a little nap before Alina is coming to visit me at 4.30pm. puss puss

Simply the best?
Don't I just have the best boyfriend?! I have just collected today's post and found a personalised post card with a picture of us two on holiday in NY on the front saying: "Remember this?" It reads (pls forgive me Bear, but I just have to....):
"My darling, we have had a few adventures and crazy travel trips so far..and we are about to set off on the wildest, funfilled, rewarding and truly beautiful experience of our lives! I am so looking forward to Sean's arrival in our world and to starting our new life together as a family.. I Love You, Bear xxxxx"
hot cocoa and the Positivity Blog
Woke up at 6am today and felt really lonely without Bear in the bed. Yup, you guessed it, he yet again slept in the other bedroom, but again, I've gratefully received a good 7 hours sleep, so it's worth it :-)
It's still dark outside and I've had to turn on the central heating . On top of that, to keep the cold away, I've made a cup of hot chocolate and will now read this blog (which is a favourite of mine and incidentally written by a Swedish guy) before it's time to wake up Bear and have a cuddle..
Have a happy Wednesday!
other blogs
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Today's accomplishments
Today's accomplishments includes baking a Swedish ginger sponge cake (no, I'm not the perfect housewife.. the mix was ready and I just added water, melted butter and an egg - easy peasy) and buying a changing mat, dummies and moses basket sheets for Sean.
Sleeping in separate beds...
Tuesday morning, in week 38
Good morning! I've been a full member of the Desperately -Need- To- Sleep-But -Can't- Get Comfortable-Club for some time now, and it has started to have a really bad effect on me.
After several nights last week with no sleep at all and being grumpy all of the following day, last night I asked Bear to sleep in the other bedroom. That way I can toss and turn as I please and not have to worry about waking him up as well.
To my joy, I have now slept with little disruption, only my toilet visits. So that might not have been the last time we sleep in separate beds - I still got to enjoy skin to skin contact with Bear this morning, as he crawled into bed with me at 6.40am, and we had a cuddle until 7.20am.... :-)

Bear left out these two shirts before going to work. The same Ralph Lauren, only different sizes. It really brought a smile to my face and I can just imagine Bear and baby Bear wearing them, at the same time of course :-)
stomach pics
Monday, 27 October 2008
Last minute learning
Goodies I bought at the Scandinavian Kitchen on Saturday
The "Prepare 4 Birth" course on Saturday was excellent and really lived up to our expectations. There were two other couples (one Swedish/English and one Greek/German), who were really nice and, like us, eager to learn.
We spent the full day learning lots of techniques and tips to help us with the birth process including various massages, a very useful contraction exercise, how to breath when in pain, how to push using the right muscles (to try and avoid tearing), what Bear can do and say as a "coach" to reasure and support me, and relaxation etc.
I thoroughly recommend this course for anyone on this magical adventure called pregnancy. The ladies who ran it were truly fabulous, very experienced and we learned so much from them.
As an added bonus it was held at the Scandinavian Kitchen, which meant that we had a typical Swedish lunch (meatball sandwich with beetroot salad). Afterwards I bought some of my favourite Swedish foods from the grocery store area (see pic above).
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Entering week 38 today

According to the ladies at the Prepare4Birth course yesterday, most pregnancies on average lasts 41 weeks which was a bit disappointing to hear.. as I of course am hoping he will come early. I'm starting to get fed up with this pregnancy now (mostly the endless toilet visits and the lack of sleep) and I am ready to welcome him to this world now - so c'mon Stork! :-)
Winter time
You didn’t forget that the clocks went back last night, did you? Winter time officially begun at 0200 hrs BST (0100 GMT), which is giving me an extra hour snuggled up in bed with Bear :-)
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Things you didnt know about me
Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Gucci and Christian Dior
1. I was paid to be in a TV advert in Sweden for Cloetta Kex Choklad when I was 16
2. I am fascinated by different nationalities and know geography very well (not Sweden’s though)
3. I am very scared of the dark
4. I was left with several scars on my cornea after an eye infection which makes me extremely sensitive to light (hence me wearing sunglasses all year around)
5. I stand to the left politically
6. I like country music
7. I am proud to have a brother who is gay, and am very fortunate to have him living in London
8. I am very close to my mother and speak to her on average 3 times a day
9. I am crazy about sport cars and know more info (i.e. litre engine size, wheels, break horse powers, 0-60 mph in secs etc) about them than a lot of men
10. I am currently learning to play the guitar
Prepare for birth - course

We've sort of left it till the last minute (they recommend going to ante natal courses around 28-30 weeks, but I'm now 37 weeks), so I will undoubtedly be the biggest one there.
It is held by two Swedish midwives and it's been recommended to me. I don't know how many other couples will attend, but I'm hoping Bear will interact with other men there. I think it will be good for him to meet and talk with men who also have got pregnant partners.
This pregnancy has been a lot about me, but today I'm hoping we will focus a lot about him too, how important his support have been and will be, how I wouldn't have done it so far with out him and I'm also hoping he will learn that despite him feeling helpless and useless during my pregnancy, just how valuable his presence will be.
It lasts all day and at the end of it we have decide to go out for dinner somewhere local. Will report back tomorrow with details of everything. Can't help but feeling a little nervous ( I know, silly, eh?), so wish us good luck!!! :-)
Friday, 24 October 2008
Right Now

Shall we get an artificial X-mas tree this year?
Mood: versatile
Have done: been up since 5.30am but done nothing constructive
Thinking: of buying an artificial Christmas tree
Listening: to the sound of me trying to breathe with a blocked nose
Watching: nothing
Reading: today’s free Metro which I picked up this morning
Drinking: Raspberry leaf tea
Eating: porridge with skimmed milk and cinnamon and a pink grapefruit
Best: weekend is here
Worst: my laptop has been collected for repair (third time now!) so am using a very old and very slow one. Also; I forgot to store all my favorites – bummer!
Weather: grey
today's Right Now
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Autumn Glory

Yesterday my friend Jenny came by. She stayed nearly three hours but it's amazing how time flies when you're having fun, haven't seen each other for a long time and when you have lots to talk about!
Incidentally, she has introduced me "electronically" to two Swedish girls in London who recently had babies, whereof one girl is coming round here today. :-)
Feeling quite happy this morning despite the lack of sleep. Looking outside and seeing the falling yellow leaves... Isn't this Season fantastic?
Incidentally, she has introduced me "electronically" to two Swedish girls in London who recently had babies, whereof one girl is coming round here today. :-)
Feeling quite happy this morning despite the lack of sleep. Looking outside and seeing the falling yellow leaves... Isn't this Season fantastic?
the brilliant display of colours
I enjoy the happy medium between freezing and hot; cool
Soups - I could live on soups. and a crusty baguette
A nice cup of Chai while curled up with Bear (and soon Sean, whoopee!) on the sofa with our cosy blanket after a long day
being able to curl up in a warm sweater without boiling, and with a good book in one hand and a hot cup of chocolate in the other
the crisp mornings
a proper excuse to wear one of all my silly pairs of slippers/UGG-type shoes
boots - You can never have enough pairs of boots. Soft, supple, go with anything, boots.
The evenings that are chilly enough to light lots of candles everywhere (but not cold enough to put on the central heating).
Sleeping with the windows open and laying in some mornings with Bear, snuggling under a few duvets
I enjoy the happy medium between freezing and hot; cool
Soups - I could live on soups. and a crusty baguette
A nice cup of Chai while curled up with Bear (and soon Sean, whoopee!) on the sofa with our cosy blanket after a long day
being able to curl up in a warm sweater without boiling, and with a good book in one hand and a hot cup of chocolate in the other
the crisp mornings
a proper excuse to wear one of all my silly pairs of slippers/UGG-type shoes
boots - You can never have enough pairs of boots. Soft, supple, go with anything, boots.
The evenings that are chilly enough to light lots of candles everywhere (but not cold enough to put on the central heating).
Sleeping with the windows open and laying in some mornings with Bear, snuggling under a few duvets
Now I'll make a bowl of porridge and watch the news. Hope you too are all having a lovely "I-love-Autumn-day today. Hugs and Loves,
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Nappy Bag - Finally Found!
Finally, after searching for quite some time now, I have today found a suitable nappy bag which I think will suit my beige pram nicely. It's from Longchamp.
more preparations

Went to bed pretty early yesterday but stayed up late reading the guide to child birth book with Bear.
He was highlighting lots and taking notes. Last night the main focus was on how to know when it's time to go to the hospital (3-4 contractions in 10 minutes, each lasting 60 seconds), timing contractions and how he knows I'm having actual contractions (supposedly I can't speak during them!).
Am officially knackered this morning. Got up 9(!) to the toilet last night - must be a record! Can't wait to meet my little treasure who's been keeping me up all night. Have had quite some contractions as well which apparently is all normal. Will definitely have a nap this afternoon, but first I'm meeting Susanna and Alfie in town. They are coming with me to New Bond Street to look for a nappy bag for the pram. I have a certain one in mind from Longchamp so am hoping they have it in stock today.
This is the list so far, of what I'm packing in Bear's hospital bag:
Contact list - include the numbers of both of our parents, siblings, best friends etc.
Loose change for vending machine
Chocolate and snacks - to keep up his energy levels
Spare T-shirt
Toothbrush, toothpaste and wet wipes for quick freshen-ups - he'll want to look good in those first pictures, too ;-)
Loose change for vending machine
Chocolate and snacks - to keep up his energy levels
Spare T-shirt
Toothbrush, toothpaste and wet wipes for quick freshen-ups - he'll want to look good in those first pictures, too ;-)
Bottled still water
Camera and battery charger and camcorder
Mobile phone – and charger
Mobile phone – and charger
Something to sleep in
A book or magazine - to keep him occupied if I have a long labour
Something to sleep in
A book or magazine - to keep him occupied if I have a long labour
Have a happy Wednesday -hopefully I'll be back later posting a pic of my new nappy bag! :-) Puss
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Gift tags for x-mas
Look at these, which I bought when I was out. 50(!) x-mas gift tags - looks like we will have to buy lots of pressies this year :-)
I really enjoy starting to prepare for Christmas already! And this Christmas is going to be real special, as there will be an addition to my family; my Sean. Countdown has started....
Love lockdown
I'm off to my local market to buy some flowers. The weather is gorgeous in London at the mo. Here's a brand new tune by Kanye West that I'm luvin. Bye for now xxx
Birth Plan

Good morning! Today I got up at 6.30am with Bear, who is now at the gym.
My ante natal appointment yesterday went fine. My doctor felt my stomach and Sean and said "he is not a small baby"! Help! haha. Well good, that means I've been feeding him well.
He said that I'm doing very well and that this pregnancy has gone very smooth. We then spoke about my wishes for the birth and this is what my birth plan looks like:
I Want laxative when arriving at the ward
I want a mattress on the floor
I don't want students or inexperienced staff in my room
Because of my big fear of the delivery, I would like to have big support from the midwife.
(although my partner will be there throughout)
I want the midwife to give me A LOT OF INFORMATION about what is happening
I do not want to give birth without any pain relief. My wishes are to get an epidural as soon as possible. I would also like to try the gas and air, and I will use an electric heating pad (bring my own)
I wish to give birth upright (squat/edge of bed/kneel against my partner who is sitting on a chair)
I do not wish to have an episiotomy
CESAREAN: If I need emergency Cesarean, I would like my partner present at all times
I wish for my partner to cut the umbilical cord (which then should be kept for research purposes or used for the stem cells)
I want my son to be dried before given to me
I want an injection to help contract my womb and speed up placenta delivery
I want to start breast feeding straight away
Has anyone got any tips on what to add? Grateful for any advise. Thanks!
Monday, 20 October 2008
The week ahead
Me in a Hello Kitty gown earlier, folding arranging Sean's clothes
This week:
The pram is arriving! :-)
Doctor appointment this evening 5.30pm (will be weekly from today onwards)
Handy man building changing station on top of bath tub Tuesday or Wednesday
Pregnancy massage on Thursday
Hannah visiting me Friday
All day birth preparation course on Saturday
Packing Bear's hospital bag
Pregnancy, week 37

The only pair of shoes that you can squeeze on your feet is a pair of trainers - and you can’t even wear them with socks.
Every woman you run into looks at you with pity.
Your ankles are wider than your calves.
Your fingers resemble sausages.
You have one pair of trousers that stays up high enough, and no tops that come down low enough to cover your belly.
Once in a parking space, you can’t open your car door wide enough to get out.
Standing up means having to pee.
Standing up also means having to waddle.
Standing up means odd pelvic pains too.
In fact, standing up is something to be avoided at all costs.
You cannot shut up about the fact that you are MORE THAN EIGHT MONTHS PREGNANT, DAMMIT.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
My weekend in pictures
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